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Custom API used for integration of TensorFlow JS with Express JS. Built locally and deployed using Cloud Run

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X-Detect Machine Learning Models

X-Detect Machine Learning Models is a project that utilizes machine learning algorithms to predict diseases in the chest or thoracic area based on input images of X-ray scans. This project is designed for healthcare professionals, researchers, and developers working in the field of medical imaging analysis.

Endpoint /predict

This endpoint allows you to load a model and make predictions on an uploaded image file.


  • Express.js
  • TensorFlow.js (Node.js version)
  • Multer
  • Sharp
  • Moment Timezone


  1. Install the required dependencies by running the following command:

npm install express @tensorflow/tfjs-node multer sharp moment-timezone

  1. Create a new file, e.g., index.js, and copy the provided code into it.

  2. Run the server by executing the following command:

node index.js

  1. The server will start running on port 8080. You can access the endpoint at http://localhost:8080/predict.



  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /predict
  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Request Parameters

  • image: The image file to be processed. This should be included as a form-data field with the key image.


  • Key: image
  • Value: Select File and choose your X-ray image file.


The server will respond with a JSON object containing the predictions and additional information.

Response Format

  • predictions: An object containing the labels as keys and the predicted percentages as values.
  • maxLabel: The label with the highest predicted percentage.
  • label: The label name.
  • percentage: The percentage value.
  • created: The current date and time in the Asia/Jakarta timezone.
  • additionalInfo: Additional information based on the predicted label.
  • description: Description of the condition.
  • symptoms: Array of symptoms associated with the condition.
  • nextSteps: Array of recommended next steps for the condition.
  • recommendation: Recommendation for further action.
  • action: Action to be taken.
  • message: Message suggesting consultation with a specialist based on the predicted label.

Example Response

"predictions": {
 "Mass": "60.12%",
 "Nodule": "20.45%",
 "Normal": "5.80%",
 "Pneumonia": "7.33%",
 "Tuberculosis": "6.30%"
"maxLabel": {
 "label": "Mass",
 "percentage": "60.12%"
"created": "6/8/2023, 10:30:00 AM",
"additionalInfo": {
 "description": "Adanya massa atau tumor di paru-paru, yang bisa bersifat jinak atau ganas.",
 "symptoms": ["Batuk", "Sesak napas", "Nyeri dada"],
 "nextSteps": [
   "Konsultasikan dengan spesialis untuk evaluasi lebih lanjut",
   "Tambahan tes mungkin diperlukan",
   "Ikuti rencana perawatan yang direkomendasikan"
"recommendation": {
 "action": "Mohon segera lakukan konsultasi dengan dokter spesialis",
 "message": "Berdasarkan prediksi Mass, disarankan untuk konsultasikan dengan spesialis untuk evaluasi lebih lanjut dan pengobatan yang tepat."

Note: Ensure that the model file model.json is located in the 90acc+/ directory relative to the index.js file.

Please adjust the code and instructions as necessary for your specific use case.



Custom API used for integration of TensorFlow JS with Express JS. Built locally and deployed using Cloud Run






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