SIMD (support SSE2, AVX2)
Linear Algerbra
invert, eigen, LU, QR, SVD, DET,
Machine Learning
kmeans , gmm, svm, BPNET, LeNet5, LSTM
Image Process
spatial filter
average blur, gaussian blur, median blur, curvature filter, bilateral filter, sobel, laplace, canny
frequency filter
FFT, HarrWavelet, LPF, gaussianHPF
geometry tranform
move, flip, rotate, affine, nearest interpolation, bilinear interpolation, cubic interpolation
threshold, region grow, hough line, kmeans, gmm
erode, dilate
histogram, LBP, SVD, HOG
LBM (D2Q9)
Tensor img = ns::load("./images/crystalmaiden.bmp");
if (img.empty()) {
std::cout<<"failed to load image."<<std::endl;
/* pixel cluster */
int h = img.shape[ns::HWC_H];
int w = img.shape[ns::HWC_W];
Tensor x = img;
x.reshape(h*w, 3, 1);
std::vector<Tensor> xi;
Kmeans model(16, 3, LinAlg::Kernel::laplace);
model.cluster(xi, 1000, 0.5, 1e-6);
/* classify */
Tensor result(h, w, 3, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) {
Tensor p = img.sub(i, j);
int k = model(p);
Tensor &c = model.centers[k];
result.at(i, j) = c;
result.reshape(h, w, 3);
Tensor dst = Tensor::concat(1, img, result);
Tensor img = ns::load("D:/home/picture/dota2.bmp");
if (img.empty()) {
std::cout<<"failed to load image."<<std::endl;
Tensor temp = ns::load("D:/home/picture/CrystalMaiden.bmp");
if (temp.empty()) {
std::cout<<"failed to load temp image."<<std::endl;
/* resize */
Tensor dota2;
ns::resize(dota2, img, imp::imageSize(img)/4);
Tensor crystalMaiden;
ns::resize(crystalMaiden, temp, imp::imageSize(temp)/4);
auto t1 = Clock::tiktok();
/* template match */
ns::Rect rect;
ns::templateMatch(dota2, crystalMaiden, rect);
auto t2 = Clock::tiktok();
rect *= 4;
std::cout<<"templateMatch cost time:"<<Clock::duration(t2, t1)<<"s"<<std::endl;
<<", width:"<<rect.width<<",height:"<<rect.height<<std::endl;
Tensor target;
ns::copy(target, img, rect);
ns::save(target, "data2_CrystalMaiden.bmp");
Tensor img = ns::load("D:/home/picture/dota2.bmp");
if (img.empty()) {
std::cout<<"failed to load image."<<std::endl;
Tensor dst;
ns::sobel3x3(dst, img);
ns::save(dst, "sobel3x3.bmp");
int W = 320;
int H = 240;
int R = 12;
Cylinder cylinder(H/2, W/5, R);
Square square(H/2, W/5, R);
Cross cr(H/2, W/5, R);
ICylinder icylinder(H/2, W/5, R);
LBM2d<Cylinder> lbm(H, W, // shape
1e-3, // relaxtion
/* boundary type : in coming direction (top, right, bottom, left) */
Tensor({4}, {0, 1, 0, 0}),
/* boundary value : wave reflection (ny, nx) */
Tensor({4, 2}, {0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.1}));
std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb = nullptr;
std::size_t totalsize = ns::BMP::size(H, W, 3);
std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]> bmp(new uint8_t[totalsize]);
std::size_t N = 20000;
lbm.solve(N, {0.8, 0.1, 0.1}, // color scaler
[&](std::size_t i, Tensor &img){
if (i % 20 == 0) {
std::string fileName = "./cylinder/cylinder_" + std::to_string(i/20) + ".bmp";
ns::fromTensor(img, rgb);
ns::BMP::save(fileName, bmp, totalsize, rgb, H, W);
ffmpeg -i ./cylinder1/cylinder_%d.jpg -vcodec libx264 cylinder.avi
ffmpeg -i ./cylinder_%d.bmp -vcodec libx264 cylinder.avi
using LeNet5 = Net<Conv2d, NMS, MaxPooling2d,
Conv2d, NMS, MaxPooling2d,
FcLayer, FcLayer, FcLayer>;
LeNet5 lenet5(Conv2d(1, 28, 28, 6, 5, 1, 0, false, Fn_LeakyRelu),
NMS(6, 24, 24),
MaxPooling2d(6, 24, 24, 2, 2),
Conv2d(6, 12, 12, 16, 5, 1, 0, false, Fn_LeakyRelu),
NMS(16, 8, 8),
MaxPooling2d(16, 8, 8, 2, 2),
FcLayer(16*4*4, 120, true, Fn_Sigmoid),
FcLayer(120, 84, true, Fn_Tanh),
FcLayer(84, 10, true, Fn_Sigmoid));
/* load data */
MnistLoader mnist("./dataset/mnist/train-images.idx3-ubyte",
int ret = mnist.load();
if (ret < 0) {
std::vector<Tensor> &x = mnist.x;
std::vector<Tensor> &yt = mnist.yt;
std::size_t N = mnist.N;
/* train: max epoch = 1000, batch size = 100, learning rate = 1e-3 */
Optimizer<LeNet5, Optimize::RMSProp> optimizer(lenet5, 1e-3, 1e-5, true);
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> uniform(0, N - 1);
auto t1 = Clock::tiktok();
std::size_t maxEpoch = 2000;
std::size_t batchSize = 256;
Tensor totalLoss(10, 1);
for (std::size_t epoch = 0; epoch < maxEpoch; epoch++) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
/* forward */
int k = uniform(LinAlg::Random::engine);
Tensor& y = lenet5(x[k]);
/* loss */
Tensor loss = Loss::MSE(y, yt[k]);
totalLoss += loss;
/* optimize */
optimizer.backward(loss, x[k]);
/* update */
totalLoss /= batchSize;
std::cout<<"progress:---loss="<<totalLoss.norm2()<<", "
auto t2 = Clock::tiktok();
std::cout<<"lenet5 training cost:"<<Clock::duration(t2, t1)<<"s"<<std::endl;
/* predict */
float count = 0;
std::size_t Nt = 100;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Nt; i++) {
/* forward */
int k = uniform(LinAlg::Random::engine);
Tensor& y = lenet5(x[k]);
int p = y.argmax();
int t = yt[k].argmax();
std::cout<<" target number:"<<t<<", predict number:"<<p<<std::endl;
if (p == t) {