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Noto Serif Font Missing in GB 10.0 #29177




When no editor style is defined, the default styling uses Noto Serif via Google. However, the font is not included, and no attempt is made to load it, so the browser falls back to Times New Roman

Step-by-step reproduction instructions

On a site that uses the default block editor styling, install and activate the Gutenberg plugin, then create a post

Expected behaviour

The text appears in the Noto Serif typeface as specified in the default stylesheet, or falls back to system fonts

Note that the problem is not that Noto Serif fails to load, it's that it is never attempted. There is no failed request, because it was never requested.

Actual behaviour

The typeface is specified, but not present. The browser uses the default font instead ( Times New Roman ) of the system font stack

Screenshots or screen recording (optional)

Screenshot 2021-02-20 at 13 48 11

Screenshot 2021-02-20 at 13 48 45

Screenshot 2021-03-02 at 13 24 58

Screenshot 2021-03-02 at 13 24 28

WordPress information

  • WordPress version: 5.6.1
  • Gutenberg version: 10.0.0
  • Are all plugins except Gutenberg deactivated? No
  • Are you using a default theme (e.g. Twenty Twenty-One)? No, but I reproduced using multiple themes from different vendors

Device information

  • Device: MBP 13" Intel
  • Operating system: MacOS 11.2 Big Sur
  • Browser: Chrome 88




[Feature] ThemesQuestions or issues with incorporating or styling blocks in a theme.[Status] In ProgressTracking issues with work in progress


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