Clank-Jekyll is a starter project for prototyping apps with Clank and Jekyll.
This repository provides a way to prototype efficiently with Clank.
Clank in itself is a HTML/CSS component framework.
This repository provides a starter project to create prototypes.
It's the initial Clank author's preferred method for prototyping Clank-based apps.
However, it has a few dependencies (notably Jekyll) and a steeper learning curve (requires npm, grunt, git, ruby gems and bower knowledge) than Clank, which is why it lives in a separate repository.
To set Clank-Jekyll up run:
npm install
bower install
grunt watch
Make sure you have installed node JS, bower and Grunt.
You will also need to have the Jekyll, Sass and Compass ruby gems on your system. Install them through RubyGems:
gem install jekyll
gem install sass
gem install compass