- 强大过滤 / Robust Filtering:规则集目前涵盖了多种已知的恶意 User-Agent 字符串(包括但不限于常见的爬虫、扫描工具、自动化攻击软件等)。通过对此类流量实施托管质询,能够有效降低由非人类访问者引起的风险。The rule set currently includes a variety of known malicious User-Agent strings (including but not limited to common crawlers, scanning tools, and automated attack software).
- 定期更新 / Regular Updates:为了应对持续演化的安全威胁,规则集会定期得到更新。To address the evolving security threats, the rule set is updated regularly.
- 日志记录 / Logging:Cloudflare 默认会对所有被规则集拦截的请求进行记录。By default, Cloudflare logs all requests that are blocked by the rule set.
- 低误杀率 / Low False Positive Rate:该规则集经过细致的设计,旨在最大程度减少对合法网站流量的影响。The rule set has been meticulously designed to minimize the impact on legitimate website traffic.
To be done.
欢迎提交 Issue 和 Pull Request!我会在有时间的情况下更新本项目的。
Welcome to submit Issues and Pull Requests! I will update this project when I have time.
本项目采用 MIT 许可证,详情参见 LICENSE 文件。
This project is licensed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE file for details.