By William Yang
Developed a content management system using the Flask framework in Python. Authentication is provided via OAuth and all data is stored within a PostgreSQL database.
It provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as a user registration and authentication system. Registered users will have the ability to post, edit and delete their own items.
*Install Vagrant and VirtualBox *Clone this repository *Open terminal an cd into the folder *Execute the command Vagrant Up to launch Vagrant VM *Execute the commant Vagrant ssh to gain access to shell *CD into /vagrant and then into the catalog folder *Run python to launch application *Open a browser of your choice and navigate to http://localhost:5001/ *You will now have access to the web application
- You must first log in using Google to create a new catalog
- Click "Create New Catalog" and give it a name
- Click "Create New Category" and give it a name
- Each one of the categories is populated by records.
- To create a record you must first create a record template which defines the details of what can be added about the record (e.g. description)
- Once you create a record template you can then click on it to create a record
- You may edit any level of the catalog by clicking the pencil icon.
- Additionally you may delete any level of the catalog by click the trash icon.
- Note: Any levels below the catalog level you delete will be deleted as well.
- Note: You can only edit/delete catalogs you made with your own account.
- Note: The update column on the right side shows recent actions performed.