cl-web3 is general web3 client for rpc api by common lisp; Applicable to all evm compatible blockchains.
apt install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
git clone -b main --depth 1
pushd ./DependLibs
(push "cl-web3 Absolute path" asdf:*central-registry*)
(ql:quickload "cl-web3")
get-block-number: get current block number
get-gas-price: get current gasPrice
get-trans-nones: get current can use nonce
send-contract-call: execute a contract function call by eth_call
get-current-balance: get balance of native token of current account by account address
get-token-current-balance: get a token balance of current account by account address and token address
send-eth: send main currency of current account of current chain to a address by sign and eth_sendRawTransaction
send-contract-transaction: execute a contract function by sign and eth_sendRawTransaction
get-atoken-address: get the AAVE atoken address by a token address
aave-deposit-token: deposit amount of a token for AAVE to get interest
aave-get-token-deposited-amount: get current account deposited amount of a token at AAVE
aave-withdraw-token: withdraw amount of a token from AAVE
swap-native-token-to-other-token-by-uniswapv2: mean as the name
swap-1Token-to-native-token-by-uniswapv2: mean as the name
swap-1Token-to-other-token-by-uniswapv2: mean as the name
validate transaction status