Check for movement in CCTV video frame. This script will not only tell you if any movement has happened, but also when by providing the timestamp and a photo of that moment!
pip install opencv-python-headless tqdm
git clone
cd CCTV-Analyzer
Pass the video as the first argument, and the name for the output folder as the second. The script will check if any movement has happened in the video, then stores the pictures of those frames in the selectedfolder
python3 <video_path> <output_dir>
Do you wish to automate the process? Do you have all of your videos in a single folder, and wish to create an output folder for each one according to the filename? Use the following bash script:
# Check if argument is provided
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <directory>"
exit 1
# Assign the first argument to the "directory" variable
# Check if the provided path is a valid directory
if [ ! -d "$directory" ]; then
echo "Error: '$directory' is not a valid directory."
exit 1
# Iterate over video files in the directory
for file in "$directory"/*.{mp4,mkv,avi}; do
# Check if the file exists and is a regular file
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
# Only get the filename to pass as the folder name for the Python script
filename=$(basename -- "$file")
# Call the Python script with two arguments: full file path and filename
echo "Processing file '$filename':"
python3 "$file" "$filename"
I provided a copy of the script in the repo. Just run:
bash "/path/to/folder/with/videos"