x-caja-desktop fix for Petra and Maya
system: optimus cards don't work, nvidia-prime only supports LightDM
cinnamon: only 1 msgid for "Lock Screen" (action vs noun)
cinnamon-settings: can't set hours in datetime module
mintmenu: https://github.com/linuxmint/mintmenu/pull/89
pkgs: unity-greeter pkg
pkgs: gedit-plugins pkg
mintlocale: missing ibus activation support
mintdrivers: update translations
mintdrivers: remove the apt-cdrom repository when exiting
mint-mirrors: update list of mirrors
mdm: login screen freezes for German speaking users
mintsources: print(” %s” % (ppa_info["description"].encode(“utf-8″) or “”)) --> AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘encode’
KDE: The installer doesn't install language-pack-gnome-xx resulting in GTK apps/dialogs showing in English also xfce, mdm: When loggin in an existing session, doesn't unlock kde screensaver, xscreensaver or gnome-screensaver (works fine with cinnamon-screensaver and mate-screensaver) OK Consider not using oxygen for GTK (check with mintBackup filechooser) mintbackup, mintnanny, mintupload, mintdrivers, mintsources: remove KDE adjustment, add a specific KDE .desktop file OK missing mint-mdm-themes-kde
xfce: doesn't seem to detect DVD insertion, doesn't run VLC (works in 32bit, not 64bit) Can't use the trash in live mode There are no GTK bookmarks by default missing indicator-sound indicator-sound-gtk2