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Google Keep remake application for Angular 2 Fundamentals course
This repo is designed to accompany the free Angular 2 Fundamentals course. It is a step by step curriculum introducing you to Angular 2 by rebuilding Google Keep. All lessons are broken down into individual branches, with a start and solution branch for each lesson. We recommend taking the course which includes the videos and text descriptions for each lesson to maximize your learnings!
Node > 6.x
npm > 3.x
- globals (
npm install --global
- Clone or fork this repository
- run
npm install --global typescript webpack webpack-dev-server tslint
- run
npm install
- run
npm start
to fire up dev server - open browser to
- Start the course
- What the video for the current lesson
- Checkout to the appropriate branch for the lesson
- Follow along and build the app!
Scott Moss |
A simple sticky notes app which is built on top of Angular 2. It is forked from Angular Class video tutorial.