Automates some annoying setup procedures for bash dotfiles, aliases, and neovim.
Sets softlinks to both .bashrc as well as .bash_aliases. Note that this might cause some annoyances if some content of interest is already present in either file, so you might as well simply copy-paste to the respective files. The bash-prompt configuration looks something akin to this:
(myenv) myuser:~/m/m/mydirectory [mybranch]
└─$ _
with virtual-env, user, abbreviated path and git-branch all packed together and colored accordingly.
I personally like the line break in the prompt as compared to, say, powerline. While it uses up more vertical space in the terminal, it gives the eyes a clear and constant place to rest for the beginning of every new command prompt.
The used bash-aliases span trivial matter such as frequent typos (sl vs ls), abbreviations and introduces some useful grep commands.
Installs Neovim along with some useful plugins (NerdTree, gruvbox colortheme). Sets softlinks to the respective .vimrc and init.vim files and makes nvim the default git editor.