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MongoDB Entity Framework Core Provider

The MongoDB EF Core Provider requires Entity Framework Core 8 on .NET 8 or later and a MongoDB database server 5.0 or later, preferably in a transaction-enabled configuration.

Getting Started

Setup a DbContext with your desired entities and configuration

internal class PlanetDbContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Planet> Planets { get; init; }

    public static PlanetDbContext Create(IMongoDatabase database) =>
        new(new DbContextOptionsBuilder<PlanetDbContext>()
            .UseMongoDB(database.Client, database.DatabaseNamespace.DatabaseName)

    public PlanetDbContext(DbContextOptions options)
        : base(options)

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

To get going with the DbContext:

var mongoConnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MONGODB_URI");
var mongoClient = new MongoClient(mongoConnectionString);
var db = PlanetDbContext.Create(mongoClient.GetDatabase("planets"));

Supported Features

Entity Framework Core and MongoDB have a wide variety of features. This provider supports a subset of the functionality available in both, specifically:

  • Querying with Where, Find, First, Single, OrderBy, ThenBy, Skip, Take etc.
  • Top-level aggregates of Any, Count, LongCount
  • Mapping properties to BSON elements using [Column] or [BsonElement] attributes or HasElementName("name") method
  • Mapping entities to collections using [Table("name")] attribute or ToCollection("name") method
  • Single or composite keys of standard types including string, Guid and ObjectId
  • Properties with typical CLR types (int, string, Guid, decimal, etc.) & MongoDB types (ObjectId, Decimal128)
  • Properties of Dictionary<string, ...> type
  • Properties containing arrays and lists of simple CLR types
  • Owned entities (aka value types, sub-documents, embedded documents) both directly and within collections
  • BsonIgnore, BsonId, BsonDateTimeOptions, BsonElement, BsonRepresentation and BsonRequired support
  • Value converters using HasConversion
  • Query and update logging including MQL (sensitive mode only)
  • Some mapping configuration options for DateTime
  • EnsureCreated & EnsureDeleted operations
  • Optimistic concurrency support through IsConcurrencyToken/ConcurrencyCheckAttribute & IsRowVersion/TimestampAttribute
  • AutoTransactional SaveChanges & SaveChangesAsync - all changes committed or rolled-back together
  • CamcelCaseElementNameConvention for helping map Pascal-cased C# properties to came-cased BSON elements


A number of Entity Framework Core features are not currently supported but planned for future release. If you require use of these facilities in the mean-time consider using the existing MongoDB C# Driver's LINQ provider which supports them.

Planned for upcoming releases

  • Select projections with client-side operations
  • Type discriminators
  • Sum, Average, Min, Max etc. support at top level

Not supported but considering for future releases

  • ExecuteUpdate & ExecuteDelete
  • Binary/byte array properties
  • Additional CLR types (DateOnly, TimeOnly etc).
  • EF shadow properties
  • GroupBy operations
  • Relationships between entities
  • Includes/joins
  • Foreign keys and navigation traversal

Not supported & out-of-scope features

  • Keyless entity types
  • Schema migrations
  • Database-first & model-first
  • Alternate keys
  • Document (table) splitting
  • Temporal tables
  • Spacial data
  • Timeseries
  • Atlas search

Breaking changes

This project's version-numbers are aligned with Entity Framework Core and as-such we can not use the semver convention of constraining breaking changes solely to major version numbers. Please keep an eye on our Breaking Changes document before upgrading to a new version of this provider.


Questions/Bug Reports

If you’ve identified a security vulnerability in a driver or any other MongoDB project, please report it according to the instructions here.


Please see our guidelines for contributing to the driver.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this project.


No packages published


  • C# 98.9%
  • Other 1.1%