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SirFancyWalrus edited this page Jun 6, 2021 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the ChronoSense Wiki

Throughout this wiki, you'll find information on how ChronoSense works, future development goals/ideas for the application, and an outline of the current files. All contributions to the code base are greatly appreciated and further development is encouraged as long as it abides by the following pillars of ChronoSense development:

Pillars of ChronoSense

  • OS Agnostic
  • Performant on Mid-Level Machines
  • Near-Universal AV Device Compatibility
  • Synchronous Streaming & Recording

OS Agnostic refers to the fact that ChronoSense should run all its base functionality on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Performant on Mid-Level Machines means that even if a device (i.e. laptop, desktop) is only using a CPU-Integrated GPU, it should still be able to run and record at least one data stream. Near-Universal AV Device Compabitility should be an ever-present feature within the application allowing almost every device to plug-and-play with, at minimum, ChronoSense's preview, recording, and device recognition process. Finally, ChronoSense should always strive for synchronous, simultaneous streaming and recording from multiple devices to ease any time-sensitive analysis of data after exporting it from the application.

Table of Contents