RepoForge is a CLI tool to scaffold projects from pre-built templates. Invoke RepoForge with a path to a template (either local or online) and watch your project get scaffolded automatically. Setting up projects from scratch and in a reproducible manner is time-consuming and difficult and that is where RepoForge will prove most helpful.
Development on RepoForge is heavily inspired from existing tools like Create-React-App (CRA), Cookiecutter and the likes. While the existing tools have their use cases and they fulfill their roles quite aptly, RepoForge aims to resolve the following pain points:
The need for a cross-platform and distributable binary executable unlike Cookiecutter which requires Python (or Node.js for CRA) to be installed on a system where they are expected to be used.
The inbuilt templating engine in Go is amazing and very capable of lots of things! We want to utilise these capabilities and allow the users to dynamically scaffold their projects according to the preconfigured template.
Tools like Cookiecutter while extremely mature, are not well maintained anymore (see one such discussion among many others) and CRA is only used to scaffold React.js projects. We wanted a more universal tool to get a similar job done quickly and efficiently.
NOTE: RepoForge is still a WIP project in its very initial phase and is not stable. Hence, its UI/UX elements are subject to change without prior notice. We request you to try out the pre-release versions of RepoForge and provide us with feedback. Any feedback, no matter how trivial will help us improve the experience of the tool significantly!
That said, RepoForge provides the following core functionalities:
The ability to scaffold a project based on a pre-existing template (hosted either on GitHub or some archived file elsewhere). RepoForge will be able to fetch Git repositories from anywhere as long as the remote repository supports the Git protocol.
Help the user create templates which will be used in the future for scaffolding more projects. Do note though, RepoForge is not intelligent enough to decide what the template is supposed to be like, some manual tinkering will still be required from the user's end!
Provide the necessary utilities to manage and maintain all the locally available templates, like keeping them updated, listing local templates, deleting them when necessary and such.
RepoForge is developed and open-sourced under a public open-source license (the MIT license). Hence, you are free to use, copy and distribute the code for the project under the terms of conditions of the aforementioned license. For more information on the licensing details, refer to the LICENSE document.