NanamiYuui asked on lishogi Discord:
"When I'm playing chu shogi, I am used to the notation system originated from Chu Shogi Tsumemono Guide (Written in 1703, scanned file can be found here in japanese: This notation system is traditional and elegant with no use of any modern western characters or numerals. As for my understanding, described as following:
Horizontal leftward: 子,丑,寅, 卯,辰,巳,午,未,申,酉,戌,亥. and is related to ancient chinese Dizhi.
Vertical downward: 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,十一,十二. and is the Kanji of one to twelve.
So left up corner (12a) would be 亥一, and right down corner(1l) would be 子十二.
First I wonder is there any people who is also used to this. Second, since when I use lishogi, changing between this notation and western style sometimes confuses me or require much time, is it complicated to add this notation system to the notation list, can it be added? I would call it Yorozuya Notation, in which Yorozuya is the writer of Chu Shogi Tsumemono Guide.
Also, it needs to be noted that the origin notation is different in direction with the Japanese Chu Shogi Association version of Yorozuya Notation which ranges horizontally rightward and vertially upward.
Thanks so much for you guys' understanding and support!"