It's an amazing Objection Platform, mainly attention Floating on water surface. You can detect anything use it, but you need replace dataset in your task!
This platform identify and classify a kind of types of floating objects in real-time. while Flask provides a user-friendly interface for easy interaction with the platrofm.(•̃ ᴗ•̃)
this platform base on YoloV5🚀 object detect algorithm, and Flask, a Web framework.🎨
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
pip install -r requirements.txt
run as test:
python3 -u
run as server:
nohup python3 -u > run.log 2>&1 &
using nginx to deploying server. please reference some relative blog.
- Flask - The Web framework used
- PyTorch - Deep Learning framework.
- YoloV5_u - yolov5 implement ultralytics edition
- YoloV5 - yolov5 implement other edition (bubbliiiing in bilibili)
all of that is me (─‿‿─)
- Thinks myself.
- Thinks my friend: Hongbo Wang, who help me collect sample of floating, and madeing datasets by labelimg.
- Thank you for all your efforts in the fight against the epidemic !
- etc