The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- [#286] - Integration of limma voom for rnaseq data (@KamilMaliszArdigen, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#342] - Fixed incorrectly colored dots in report volcano plots for logFC thresholds <1 (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#330] - Fixed broken docs by removing g:profiler colons (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#304] - Removed TXT file options from nextflow_schema where they are equivalent to TSV to make the input files clearer (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#299] - Add exclusions for 3.0.1 template update (@pinin4fjords)
- [#289] - Fix missing ch_gene_sets default for gprofiler2 (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#282] - In order to improve resumability, create a copy of the matrix as an annotation file only if necessary; add original matrix file name to copy name (@bjlang, review by @WackerO)
- [#280] - Bump shinyngs, fix contrasts passed to app creation (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#274] - Fix pagination on samples table (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#272] - Show >10 contrasts in report (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#273] - Template update for nf-core/tools v2.14.1 (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#266] - Fix logging by specifying assays to log (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#259] - Bump gtf2featureannotation to fix GTF handling error (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#257] - Added maxquant profile to nextflow.config to make it available (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#254] - Some parameter changes, added qbic credits (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#250] - Template update for nf-core/tools v2.13.1 (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#244] - Add pipeline params for matrixfilter NA options (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#241] - Template update for nf-core/tools v2.13 (@WackerO, review by @nvnieuwk)
- [#228] - Template update for nf-core/tools v2.12 (@nf-core-bot, review by @pinin4fjords, @WackerO)
- [#222] - Add rounding to all numeric report tables (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#219] - Template update for nf-core/tools v2.11.1 (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#197] - Add contributor info to report (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#278] - Fix missing ch_gene_sets when running gprofiler without gene sets (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#267] - Whitespace fix, remove TODO, also update changelog for release release 1.5.0 (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#265] - GSEA- pngs and htmls in same place (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#257] - Fixed FILTER_DIFFTABLE module, updated PROTEUS module to better handle whitespace in prefix param, made docs clearer (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#254] - Made differential_file_suffix optional (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#240] - Publish GSEA reports (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#231] - Update GSEA module to fix butterfly plot bug (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#226] - Fix DESEQ2_NORM in modules.config (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#221] - Update shinyngs modules to address density plots issue (@pinin4fjords, review by @maxulysse)
- [#223] - tabulartogseacls fixes (@pinin4fjords, review by @maxulysse)
- [#213] - Fix volcano plot legend (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#210] - Include Affy timeout fix (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#208] - Fix resource issues and bump versions (@pinin4fjords, review by @sguizard)
- [#256] - Release 1.5.0 (@WackerO, review by @maxulysse, @pinin4fjords)
- [#264] - Change FILTER_DIFFTABLE to python because AWK does not correctly filter reliably (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#232] - Mention missing dots in volcano plot, change rounding, turn off rounding by default (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#203] - Transcript lengths for DESeq2 (@pinin4fjords, review by @maxulysse)
- [#199] - Add gprofiler2 module and local differential table filtering module (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#193] - Add DESeq2 text to report (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#192] - Add scree plot in report (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#189] - Add DE models to report (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#188] - Add option to cluster all features (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#198] - Document correct RNAseq matrix usage (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#201] - DESeq2/Limma update, fix incorrect column names issue (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#191] - Fix sample metadata table in the html report not paginating (@davidecarlson, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#190] - Fix GSEA indent in report (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#194] - Change report volcano colors (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#188] - Update min nextflow version (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#183] - Fix logging for dendrograms (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#182] - Fixed Jon's employer (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#124] - Template update for nf-core/tools v2.8 (@pinin4fjords, review by @jasmezz)
- [#129] - Module updates to fit with recent registry changes (@pinin4fjords, review by @maxulysse, @adamrtalbot)
- [#130] - Document reasons for lack of differential expression (@pinin4fjords, review by @jfy133)
- [#131] - Improve gtf to table configurability (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#136] - Added support for non-Affymetrix arrays via automatic download of SOFT matrices in GEO (@azedinez, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#137] - Add
for DESeq2 module to modules.config (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords) - [#145] - Template update for nf-core/tools v2.9 (@nf-core-bot, review by @pinin4fjords, @WackerO)
- [#147] - Add Maxquant analysis module (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#166] - Output a parameter-resolved R Markdown document, as well as rendered HTML (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#119] - Document sample sheet for Affy arrays (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#165] - Update subway map (@pinin4fjords, review by @FriederikeHanssen)
- [#135] - workaround OPENBLAS using all cores problem (@pinin4fjords, review by @sateeshperi)
- [#176] - bump shinyngs (@pinin4fjords, review by )
- [#116] - Skip outlier detection with low replication (@pinin4fjords, review by @nvnieuwk)
- [#122] - Add spaces to satisfy nf-core download for singularity (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#127] - [Bug] Can't pass samplesheet with -c file.config , or -params-file params.yml or directly with --input samplesheet.csv (@ctuni, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#138]- Fix bugs with --control_features and --sizefactors_from_controls (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#133] - Sample exclusion options fail due to contrast-wise normalisation (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#160]- Fix merge conflicts for Template update 2.10 by nf-core-bot (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#164] - Rlog + other small fixes (@pinin4fjords, review by @drpatelh)
- [#174] - Fix metro map (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#179] - Removed shiny app error message for proteus runs (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#159] - CUSTOM/MATRIXFILTER module update (@WackerO, review by @suzannejin)
- [#154] - RMARKDOWNNOTEBOOK env update (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#151] - Module update (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#147] - RMARKDOWNNOTEBOOK env update, SHINYNGS and CUSTOM update (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#97] - Allow for subsetting of samples for specific contrasts (@pinin4fjords, reported by @danhalligan-hx, review by @WackerO)
- [#105] - Enabled multiple GMT/GMX files for GSEA (@WackerO, reported by @grst, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#108] - Add shiny app generation (starting feature set) (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#110] - Add shiny app outputs to tower.yml (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO, @maxulysse)
- [#149] - Update - add ref to nf-core/rnaseq and Affymetrix (@smoe, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#95] - Pipeline doesn't check for gene sets file specification when GSEA is activated (@pinin4fjords, reported by @danhalligan-hx, review by @FriederikeHanssen)
- [#93] - Shouldn't be re-using the single exploratory palette across multiple informative variables (@pinin4fjords, review by @matthdsm)
- [#89] - Sanitise for differential (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#63] - Add git CI matrix for different test profiles to run (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#60] - Add Affymetrix analysis modules, observation_name_col, make GTF optional, closing [#47], [#46], [#66] (@pinin4fjords, review by @apeltzer)
- [#70] - Array integration final bits: density plot improvement, output paths (@pinin4fjords, review by @matthdsm, @WackerO)
- [#55] - Don't drop dimensions in report with single informative variable (@pinin4fjords, review by @mashehu)
- [#57] - Update module shinyngs/validatefomcomponents and bump other shinyngs modules to resolve [#56] (@WackerO, review by @pinin4fjords)
- [#65] - Update shinyngs modules to latest to resolve palette issues reported by @Shellfishgene (@pinin4fjords, review by @mashehu)
- [#67] - Error when contrast is blocking by multiple variables (@pinin4fjords, reported by @clstacy, review by @jfy133)
- [#71] - Add palette options, bring full check.names fixes from upstream, closing [#68] reported by @Shellfishgene, [#69] reported by @clstacy. (@pinin4fjords, reported by @clstacy, review by @matthdsm, @WackerO)
- [#73] - Make
accept either CSV,TXT or TSV files as input (@apeltzer, review by @pinin4fjords) - [#75] - Bump deseq2/differential for check.names fix (@pinin4fjords, review by @apeltzer)
- [#76] - Fix up non-gtf operation using matrix as annotation source (@pinin4fjords, reported by @apeltzer, review by @apeltzer)
- [#82] - Address v1.1.0 pre-release feedback (subway map fixes) (@pinin4fjords, reported by @mashehu)
- [#49] - Add citation fixes, missing logos, output detail, and trigger Zenodo (@pinin4fjords, review by @apeltzer, @jfy133)
Initial release of nf-core/differentialabundance, created with the nf-core template.
- [#1] - Set up initial modules, define and validate workflow inputs (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#4] - Add input checking (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#5] - Add differential analysis (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#6] - Add exploratory plotting (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#7] - Add differential plotting (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#8] - Establish outputs/ reports (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#12] - Handle spike sequences correctly (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#15] - Add filtering module (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#21] - Gene set analysis (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#22] - Complete docs- README etc (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#23] - Complete minimal report content (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#38] - Complete full-size test data setup (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)
- [#41] - Update citations (@pinin4fjords, review by @WackerO)