A frontend for Keycloak user manangement for WIPAC/IceCube.
Any action that does not require approval will be made directly against Keycloak using the REST API.
Examples include modifying users, groups, and applications.
Approval actions require temporary storage to hold the action until approval has been granted. Any database would do, but we have chosen MongoDB for several reasons:
- We are already familiar with it and use it in several other projects.
- It can expire entries automatically with TTL Indexes.
- Tailable cursors allow "watching" changes in real time.
Once approval has been granted, the action will then be applied to Keycloak.
The user-facing service has a REST API with the following routes:
GET /api/experiments
GET /api/experiments/<experiment>/institutions
GET /api/experiments/<experiment>/institutions/<institution>
(auth) GET /api/experiments/<experiment>/institutions/<institution>/users
(auth) PUT /api/experiments/<experiment>/institutions/<institution>/users/<user>
(auth) DEL /api/experiments/<experiment>/institutions/<institution>/users/<user>
POST /api/inst_approvals - new user
(auth) POST /api/inst_approvals - second/moving institution
(auth) GET /api/inst_approvals
(auth) POST /api/inst_approvals/<approval_id>/actions/<approve/deny>
(auth) GET /api/groups
(auth) GET /api/groups/<group_id>
(auth) PUT /api/groups/<group_id>/<user> - add member manually
(auth) DEL /api/groups/<group_id>/<user> - remove member
(auth) POST /api/group_approvals - request membership
(auth) GET /api/group_approvals
(auth) POST /api/group_approvals/<approval_id>/actions/<approve/deny>
Primary access to the user-facing service is via a web application. This is purely browser-based (JavaScript), and connects to the REST API for actions. Authentication comes from connecting to a Keycloak client specifically created for this and the REST API.
The tests run automatically in github, but for those that want to run them locally, there is a way.
First, build and load the local python environment:
. env/bin/activate
Then, start an instance of Keycloak in another terminal:
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -e KC_BOOTSTRAP_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin -e KC_BOOTSTRAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin -e KC_HTTP_ENABLED=true -e KC_HTTP_RELATIVE_PATH=/auth quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:26.0.7 start-dev
Keycloak may take a minute to start. If it does not, check your network settings, as it does not play well with VPNs and other more exotic network situations.
Start an instance of mongodb in another terminal:
docker run --rm -it -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:latest
Finally, run the tests:
KEYCLOAK_URL=http://localhost:8080 USERNAME=admin PASSWORD=admin pytest -v
If you want a coverage report, instead of running pytest directly, run it under the coverage tool:
keycloak_url=http://localhost:8080 username=admin password=admin coverage run -m pytest
coverage html --include='krs*'