, basing on ideas found in https://github.com/thinkinglabs/toggl-google-sheet/
This Google Apps script imports time entries from Toggl.com into a Google Sheet using their Detailed Report API.
Report can be filtered by project, and drop ignored tags (like pomidoro-break, or nonbillable)
Open this Google Sheet and make a copy in your Google Drive account.
Specify your toggl workspaceId and apiToken in a Config sheet.
To figure out your workspace_id: go to Team in toggl.com. The number at the end of the URL is the workspace id.
To figure out your api_token: go to your Profile in toggl.com, your API token is at the bottom of the page.
After that click "Load projects data" to load information about projects in workplace.
Modify invoice template, if needed. Use sheet.
After a reopen of your Google Sheet you will have a new menu open called "Toggl" with a sub-menu
"Get Invoice for Month".
Fill an any date of the month you want to import in cell B1. So if you want your timesheet for December 2019, fill the date 01/12/2019 and click Toggl > Get Invoice for Month.
"Get Invoice for Range".
Fill a start and end date of the period you want to import in cell B1 and C1. So if you want your timesheet for Q4 2019, fill the date 01/10/2019 - 31/12/2019 and click Toggl > Get Invoice for Range.
All reports support filtering by project - click Toggl > Load Projects Data to load list of the projects for your account
Google Apps Script built-in online editor. It provides error handling, some debugging, making it ideal to hash out a small automation project pretty quickly. However, one of its major limitations is that after 1,000 or so lines of code and multiple files, it can start to get a little annoying. It also makes things a bit difficult when you want to use your own debugging or testing software.
Fortunately, Google developed a tool that enables us to develop Google Apps Script code from the command line, clasp. https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/clasp
The steps to setting up Visual Studio for Google Apps Script production are as follows:
Install clasp via npm. Give permission to run the Apps Script API. Get text completion for Apps Script
clasp is run in node.js via npm. You will need to install a recent version of Node.js that is 6.0.0 or later.
npm i @google/clasp -g
To test to see if clasp is working, you can now type clasp into the command line. You should see a list of command option if all is working Next, login.
clasp login
assuming you are working individually, grant all the required permissions. One final little job you will need to do is to go into your Google Apps Script Settings and toggle the API to, on. Do it under link https://script.google.com/home/usersettings
Create your new sheet which will be managed by clasp, choose sheet project.
clasp create
See docs below for a more detailed manual readme on installing clasp.
All most used actions are in Makefile:
# install deps
npm install
# login(once)
node_modules/.bin/clasp login
# create your sheet(once)
node_modules/.bin/clasp create
# pack application
npm run build:webpack
# deploy application to your sheet.
cd dist && ../node_modules/.bin/clasp push
login action will create credentials.json file, which will represent identity of your sheet. For development (tests, debugging) - additionally, you will need to get oauth2 token, via
cd src && node z_regenerate_token.js
Created project can be deleted from https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-resource-manager
Project is covered with tests, however those are related to my own test sheet and my test toggl account. You will need to adjust them to your scenario.
you can limit to specific test
./node_modules/jest/bin/jest --runInBand App.ReportMethods.test.js --testNamePattern getSheetName
or run all pack via
npm test
If you would tag your log entries with Jira tickets in form [ZZZ-123], where ZZZ your project code and 123 ticket number, you can
Filter any log entries related to ZZZ tickets
=sum(filter(C2:C30, regexmatch(B2:B30, "\[PULS-[0-9]+\]")))
Filter any log entries related to concrete ZZZ-897 ticket
=sum(filter(C2:C30, regexmatch(B2:B30, "\[PULS-897\]")))
and, thus, records without [ZZZ-xxx] prefix are supposed to be uncategorized, but billed activities
=sum(filter(C2:C30, NOT(regexmatch(B2:B30, "\[ZZZ-[0-9]+\]"))))
Credits go to thinkinglabs which provided an example on how to use the Toggl API with Google Sheet.