- You should have
,docker 20.10.xx
anddocker-compose v2.xx.x
- Run
docker build . -t electricity-tariffs-base-img:nx-dev
to build builder image which will be required for docker-compose app images - Run
docker-compose up
to up front and back - Run
npm run mock-external-tariff-server
to run mock external electricity tariffs server - Visit
# generate lib
npx nx g @nrwl/js:lib mylib
# to build front with stats
nx build front --stats-json
# to test common lib
nx test common
# to create a component
nx generate @nrwl/angular:component ../components/search --project=front --standalone
# to create a service
nx generate @nrwl/angular:service ../services/electricity-tariffs --project=front
# to create an interceptor
nx generate @nrwl/angular:interceptor ../interceptors/http-error --project=front
# Root builder image for monorepo
docker build . -t electricity-tariffs-base-img:nx-dev
# To run apps in dev mode from docker
docker-compose up
# To see a diagram of the dependencies of the projects.
nx graph