High-performance, multi-platform, type-safe programming language designed for visual & AI assisted development
ArgentX browser extension for StarkNet - made with ❤️ by Argent
Bridge interface allows users to transfer ERC20 tokens from Ethereum to StarkNet and vice versa.
Ethereum Smart Contracts and TypeScript library used for the dYdX Perpetual Contracts
[DEPRECATED] Solidity Smart Contracts for the dYdX V1 Margin Trading Protocol
DEPRECATED [:robot::moneybag: Bot to automatically liquidate dYdX accounts]
Mirror of development repo:
A rust implementation of Aleph Protocol
A Go library that implements a Sparse Merkle tree for a key-value map.
Go implementation of two dimensional Reed-Solomon merkle tree data availability scheme.
A modular framework for rollups, with an ABCI-compatible client interface.
A Rust Implementation of the PLONK ZKP System and Extensions
Production-ready docker-compose for Connext routers.