University of California, Riverside
- vivianli.org
- @vivianstats
scINSIGHT Public
Matrix factorization model for interpreting single cell gene expression in biologically heterogeneous data
Deep-Learning-Specialization-Coursera Public
Forked from abdur75648/Deep-Learning-Specialization-CourseraThis repo contains the updated version of all the assignments/labs (done by me) of Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera by Andrew Ng. It includes building various deep learning models from scra…
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 3, 2023 -
AIDE Public
AIDE: annotation-assisted isoform discovery and quantification from RNA-seq data
scLink Public
Inferring gene co-expression networks from single cell gene expression data
PhitestR Public
A bioinformatics tool for analyzing the heterogeneity of single-cell populations
Model-based analysis of APA using 3' end-linked reads
TUBE Public
Bridging Cost-sensitive and Neyman-Pearson Paradigms for Asymmetric Binary Classification
R UpdatedJan 9, 2021 -
scDesign Public
A statistical simulator for rational scRNA-seq experimental design
UMI-tools Public
Forked from CGATOxford/UMI-toolsTools for handling Unique Molecular Identifiers in NGS data sets
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 2, 2020 -
scImpute Public
Accurate and robust imputation of scRNA-seq data
MSIQ Public
Joint modeling of multiple RNA-seq samples for accurate isoform quantification