It is a fun quiz game which is a progressive web app(PWA). Built during Collaborative Projects in Google Udacity Mobile Web Specialist Scholarship.This project is built to dive further deep into PWA and learn about caching music and animations using service worker.
- Features Wishlist
- Design Specs
- Requirements for Development
- Setup for Development
- Technology Stack
- Contributing Guidelines
- Login/SignUp
- A complete PWA for both web and mobile users
- GUI Animations(Using Greensock)
- TextToSpeech while reading the quote
- Share your score on Social Media (like Facebook for now)
- UI Designs
- Font: Gotham
- Colors: Random for every question/session.
Refer this link for setup illustration with examples and images
- Fork the repository by clicking on the fork button on the top of the page. This will create a copy of this repository in your account.
- Click on clone or download and copy the url
- Open a terminal(CLI) and run the following commands:
git clone
cd guess-quote
npm i
npm start
- Open any browser and goto http://localhost:3000
(The server is running on http://localhost:3001)
- Join our Slack team at #cp_quote_app
Contributions are always welcome. For more details regarding contributing refer