-It sounds like Stockline is a mobile platform designed for investing, with a focus not only on individual career development but also on collaborative investment opportunities. -The platform seems to encourage users to invest not only in their personal and professional growth but also to participate in collective investment endeavors.
- Clone the repository
- CD into the project directory
- Run
yarn install
to install dependencies - Run
yarn start
in the terminal to start the app
- Running on real device connect your device via usb tetther or you can download the,
- expo go app from app store then signUp on the the app, login and use the barscanner,
- to scan the QRcode displayed on your terminal to run app on any device of your choice
- Runing via emulator : if you are mckbook user you can download xcoder which makes it possible to run both iphone and android emulator, while for window you user,
- you can download android studio to start your android enmulator after doinfg all the neccessary configuration
Mobile app <-> this API <-> External API
- Connecting to database via the api endpoints aviable.
- Implement the rest screens.
- Commences lives in house testing and up scaling the app.
- Final testing before going live.
- i am open to contribution and correction