2.1.1 (2020-09-25)
2.1.0 (2020-09-25)
- api: prevent TypeError when chart already destroyed (ce42768), closes #1613
- axis: fix y axis clip-path coordinates (bdf7694), closes #1572
- bar: Fix not firing data.onclick (62e7a10), closes #1619 #1620
- bar: fix on bar tooglip grouped false (4bd69be), closes /github.com/naver/billboard.js/issues/1663#issuecomment-690991679
- grid: Fix grid text position update (056b565), closes #1592
- interaction: bind touch event only for rect element (12da3e4), closes #1650
- upgrade d3-ease from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 (#1617) (4f78533)
- interaction: correct draggable selection functionality (160f873), closes #1642
- upgrade d3-brush from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6 (#1605) (624f044)
- interaction: fix for data point click on mobile (727c26f), closes #1651
- interaction: fix retrieving event rect position (6fc449e), closes #1670
- legend: Fix error for color.threshold option (6e06629), closes #1604 #1611
- legend: Make legend blurry after click (319d608), closes #1599
- shape: fix possible condition removal by transpiler (781fb61), closes #1663
- step: Fix rendering nullish data (dbe7b9b), closes #1637
- types: Fix donut option types (1917169), closes #1615
- types: Specify context for callbacks (f3b9f26), closes #1551
- area: Intent to ship area.front (fe315dc), closes #1543
- axis: Improve log scale to handle 0 (ca6cf62), closes #1578
- axis: Intent to ship axis.y2.type (a94c25e), closes #1575
- interaction: avoid multiple generation (97df63a), closes #1642
- plugin: Add JS Plugin class file (4a20480), closes #1665
- theme: Add new 'datalab' theme (aba20d4), closes #241
2.0.2 (2020-07-24)
- arc: wrong right padding calculation (f5a8602), closes #1545
- area: Fix dynamic area loading (9d6e1e0), closes #1547
2.0.1 (2020-07-20)
2.0.0 (2020-07-16)
- all: Fix test cases (2e1ad79)
- arc: fix applying data.labels.colors (#1448) (c128fad), closes #1440
- axis: fix incorrect clip node handling (a8c6f96), closes #1449
- axis: make axis clip-path to fit real axis size (7419f44), closes #1449
- bar: fix bar width scale on zoom (59073bd), closes #1476
- data: fix for data.labels=false (b7a0972), closes #1444
- data.selection: fix selection.isselectable value check (9d41a04)
- gauge: fixed wrong bottom padding calculation (0542586), closes #1441 #1471
- legend: Don't bind event when interaction is false (4546c00)
- point: Correct focus.only to work in mobile env (67eea16)
- point: Correct point.focus.only (1686594)
- point: update point generation (da63e39)
- subchar: correct subchart rendering (44ed216), closes #1458
- axis: Intent to ship log scale (6fdf3e4), closes #1351
- bar: Intent to ship bar.label.threshold (72a7b7f), closes #1427
- gauge: Intent to ship gauge.label.threshold (#1443) (9a0807e), closes #1439
- interaction: split selection, subchart & zoom (ba1e4f2)
- point: Intent to ship point.focus.only (bb70347)
- all: v2 updates
- module: new index for ESM build
- split Axis releated size from size.ts --> size.axis.ts
- split common main option from Options.ts --> ./common/main.ts
- Instead export Axis class, add .getAxisInstance() to make beneficial from tree-shaking
2.0.0-next.9 (2020-07-08)
- interaction: split selection, subchart & zoom (ba1e4f2)
2.0.0-next.8 (2020-07-02)
2.0.0-next.7 (2020-06-26)
2.0.0-next.6 (2020-06-23)
2.0.0-next.5 (2020-06-19)
- axis: fix incorrect clip node handling (a8c6f96), closes #1449
- axis: make axis clip-path to fit real axis size (7419f44), closes #1449
2.0.0-next.4 (2020-06-17)
- arc: fix applying data.labels.colors (#1448) (c128fad), closes #1440
- data: fix for data.labels=false (b7a0972), closes #1444
- legend: Don't bind event when interaction is false (4546c00)
2.0.0-next.3 (2020-06-15)
- bar: Intent to ship bar.label.threshold (72a7b7f), closes #1427
- gauge: Intent to ship gauge.label.threshold (#1443) (9a0807e), closes #1439
2.0.0-next.2 (2020-06-11)
- point: update point generation (da63e39)
2.0.0-next.1 (2020-06-08)
- all: Fix test cases (2e1ad79)
- point: Correct focus.only to work in mobile env (67eea16)
- point: Correct point.focus.only (1686594)
- point: Intent to ship point.focus.only (bb70347)
- all: v2 updates
- module: new index for ESM build
- split Axis releated size from size.ts --> size.axis.ts
- split common main option from Options.ts --> ./common/main.ts
- Instead export Axis class, add .getAxisInstance() to make beneficial from tree-shaking
1.12.0-next.5 (2020-03-11)
- axis: Fix adding duplicated <title> element (8d45075), closes #1271
- axis: Fix axis label text position (68b6b86), closes #1270
- axis: Fix axis tick rotate translate (1bc3f20), closes #1250 #1278
- axis: Fix for multi axes data bound (3f8afba), closes /github.com/naver/billboard.js/pull/1233#issuecomment-595675546
- grid: Fix focus grid to be maintained on resize (01ba388), closes #1239
- axis: Autorotate x axis tick texts on type "category" and "timeseries" (8c51d02), closes #1236 #1250
1.12.0-next.4 (2020-03-03)
- arc: Fix overwriting gauge_max in MultiArcGauge with totalSum (8b2c28e), closes #1259 #1260
- axis: Correct y Axis tick padding (145b960), closes #1251
- callbacks: Fix triggering in lazy rendering (3e73fdf), closes #1254
- tooltip: Auto pos adjustion for tooltip (c54f731), closes #1243 #1239
- tooltip: Fix tooltip position on overlapping data point (8dba213), closes #1267
- tooltip,interaction: Correct tooltip behaves for touch environment (7090fa9), closes #1253
1.12.0-next.3 (2020-02-20)
1.12.0-next.2 (2020-02-07)
- axis: Clone y/y2-axis domain if no data is bound to one of them (96ac5c7), closes #1231 #1233
- axis: Intent to ship y Axes stepSize (429c6ec), closes #1098
- tooltip: Enhancement on callback options (30a7718), closes #1216
1.12.0-next.1 (2020-01-16)
- arc: Fix handling spaced data name (4824a47), closes #1168
- bar: Bar's width resize according the zoom scale (93184a2), closes #1185
- core: Fix onrendered firing time (8b8665c), closes #1194
- gauge: fixed wrong ratio calculation in 'gauge.type = "single"' (9020246), closes #1205
- interaction: Fix null data point interaction (901da84), closes #1199
- line: Fix nullish data rendering with regions (d0ca937), closes #1172
- tooltip: Revert on pointer-events css prop (c74c27a), closes #1124 #1155
- axis: Intent to ship axis.y2.tick.rotate (98992f3), closes #1157 #1158
- gauge: more than one arc are possible for gauges (7a80e02), closes #787 #1071 #1163
- grid: Intent to ship grid.focus.y (13d65d1), closes #1154
- line: Intent to ship bubble/line/scatter zerobased (e45fb33), closes #1149 #1150
- options: Intent to ship Arc's expand.rate (7d6f32f), closes #1189
- plugin: Intent to ship bubblecompare plugin (49704e0), closes #1153
- zoom: Intent to ship zoom.reseteButton.onclick (694cbcb), closes #1171
1.11.0-next.7 (2019-11-21)
- arc: Intent to ship pie/donut.startingAngle (b84be8e), closes #1128
- axis: Intent to ship axes.domain (355b0bd), closes #1090
- data: Intent to ship data.labels.position dataset (dd5ba44), closes #1126
- options: Intent to ship background (493c2a3), closes #1131
1.11.0-next.6 (2019-11-19)
1.11.0-next.5 (2019-11-15)
- shape: Fix shape position on multiple xs (6ce784a), closes #1115
- zoom: Fix to pass domain arg on onzoom (e1daae6), closes #1109
1.11.0-next.4 (2019-11-13)
1.11.0-next.3 (2019-09-25)
- axis: Correct on tick count display (d4c8eb1), closes #1077
- gauge: Fix to not align background startingAngle from option (862156f), closes #1073
1.11.0-next.2 (2019-09-10)
1.11.0-next.1 (2019-09-03)
- all: Fix possible IE9 style value (950c335), closes /github.com/naver/billboard.js/commit/54631506721bc64476d5c8fd64a2a681f3b340c1#diff-851f1a6e431d0ae7dc68b646d27821a8R90-R93 #1059
- api: Fix .data() to return exact data (12bdc54), closes #1035
- data: Fix header option setting (82461b3), closes #1031
- interaction: Fix on eventRect rederaw (dc5f67a), closes #1028 #1019 #963
- text: Fix data label y position when all data are 0 (4b423a5), closes #1026
- tooltip: Fix tooltip work on touch zoom (5d98187), closes #1056
- data: Intent to ship data.labels.overlap (90792fa), closes #977
- options: Intent to ship render option (b6af77f), closes #1015
- plugin: Intent to ship TextOverlap (728e879), closes #1048
1.10.1 (2019-08-09)
1.10.0 (2019-08-07)
- axis: Correct label text position (9beacfe), closes #1011
- chart: Correct the order to set '$' node values (b97558c), closes #994
- color: Correct to not set stroke (f18aa35), closes #754 #872
- event: Update determination condition (736ba56), closes #967
- flow: Fix data points removal (5463150), closes #1006
- radar: Correct display of indexed axis (9bac296), closes #997
- text: Correct text vertical align (6debb55), closes #982
- tooltip: Correct tooltip on dynamic loading (c24bddb), closes #963
- tooltip: Fix on contents template (419144f), closes #972
- axis: Intent to ship y/y2 axis culling (44c6c4c), closes #915
- bubble: Intent to ship dimension (27df7c3), closes #484
- options: Pass instance arg to callbacks (61cf047), closes #989
- radar: Intent to ship axis.text.position (1720ec2), closes #998
1.9.5 (2019-07-03)
1.9.3 (2019-06-28)
- color: Fix on color.threshold.values handling (841b316), closes #950
- radar: Fix radar positioning (612d93f), closes #953
- radar: Make data points stay over radar (4db457d), closes #952
1.9.2 (2019-06-20)
- tooltip: Correct condition of making tooltip text (a3675eb), closes #940 #941
- tooltip: Correct condition of making tooltip text (c0df6c5), closes #940 #941