Lightweight CSS loading animations to use when page loads. See it in action:
The aim of this project is to create a set of minimal instruction to display loading spinners automatically on top of the page to hide the loading process.
The project also provide a collection of loading spinners animated with CSS.
A fixed div is created on top of the page (at a z-index of 10000) to mask the page when loading. Other elements are added to that div. CSS3 animations are used to animate them.
See in details "How TO - CSS Loader" on w3schools:
Place loading code on top of the body
before other js codes.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pageloader-loading.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="pageloader.js"></script>
The pageLoader
object control the loading overlay.
After the page is loaded and all initialization scripts are run, you can hide the loading overlay:
If you need to show it again:;
To display information when loading:"Hello world!");
You can define the text to show when loading in the content of the .page-loader .loader
.page-loader .loader p:before { content: "loading"; }
Use one of the CSS provided to get another transition or build your own one.