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BurnX: A Social Media App with Real-time Chat


BurnX is a comprehensive social media application built with React Native for the frontend and Node.js Express.js and MongoDB for the backend. The app features JWT token authentication Cloudinary integration for image storage Mongoose as the ODM (Object Data Modeling) tool and Redux Toolkit for state management. Additionally it incorporates real-time chat functionality using Socket.IO.

Project Screenshots:

project-screenshot project-screenshot project-screenshot project-screenshot project-screenshot project-screenshot

🧐 Features

Here're some of the project's best features:

  • User Authentication: BurnX ensures secure user authentication using JWT tokens allowing users to securely access their accounts and data.
  • Social Media Features: Users can create profiles post updates share images and engage with other users through comments and likes.
  • Image Storage: Integration with Cloudinary enables seamless image storage and retrieval enhancing the user experience when sharing visual content.
  • Real-time Chat: BurnX offers real-time chat functionality powered by Socket.IO allowing users to communicate instantly with each other.
  • Scalable Backend: The backend of BurnX is built on Node.js and Express.js providing a scalable and efficient architecture to handle user requests and data management.
  • Data Persistence: MongoDB serves as the database solution offering flexibility and scalability for storing user data posts chat messages and more.
  • State Management: Redux Toolkit is utilized for state management on the frontend ensuring a predictable and centralized state for the application.

🛠️ Installation Steps:

1. Clone the repository.

2. Navigate to the frontend and backend directories and install dependencies using

npm install

3. Start the backend server by running in the backend directory.

npm run dev

4. Launch the app on an emulator or device using

npm run start

5. Sign up for an account create a profile and explore the various features of BurnX.

🍰 Contribution Guidelines:

Contributions to BurnX are welcome! Whether it's fixing bugs adding new features or improving documentation feel free to submit pull requests to help make BurnX even better.

💻 Built with

Technologies used in the project:

  • Frontend: React Native , Redux Toolkit , Axios
  • Backend: Node.js , Express.js , MongoDB , Mongoose
  • Authentication: JWT Tokens
  • Image Storage: Cloudinary
  • Real-time Communication: Socket.IO