Your system information
- Steam client version (build number or date): 1716584667
- Distribution (e.g. Ubuntu): Linux Mint
- Opted into Steam client beta?: No
- Have you checked for system updates?: Yes, fresh reinstall
- Steam Logs: steam-logs.tar.gz
- GPU: Nvidia laptop 3060 with Intel UHD Mesa, Nvidia is on
Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:
Describe what you expected should happen and what did happen. Please link any large code pastes as a Github Gist:
As issue 7564 points out, "Enable context menu focus compatibility mode" only resolves top-level links (functionally just "Properties"). As such, I cannot uninstall games, as both right-clicking the game itself and clicking the cog icon both lead to me needing to click Manage>Uninstall, but Steam does not register my click.
I was on Void Linux for a long time and this was not a problem, even when I had focus/hover on for my XFCE install. I am using Cinnamon desktop now.
Also, the top Steam/View/Friends/Games/Help bar all work fine, so it is something within the actual windowed content that is preventing me from clicking.
Steps for reproducing this issue:
- Open Steam, enable context menu focus compatibility
- Try to uninstall a game
- Fail to click
Even if this problem isn't resolved, I would like to know how to uninstall games. I'm probably missing another obvious way to uninstall.