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[BUG] steamctl depot list -a 570 raising TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict' #81




Steps to Reproduce the behavior
Run: steamctl depot list -a 570


steamctl -l debug
[DEBUG] steamctl: Parsed args: {'versions_report': None, 'log_level': 'debug', 'anonymous': False, 'user': None, 'password': None, 'command': 'depot', '_cmd_func': 'steamctl.commands.depot.gcmds:cmd_depot_list', 'subcommand': 'list', 'cell_id': None, 'os': 'any', 'file': None, 'app': 570, 'depot': None, 'manifest': None, 'branch': 'public', 'skip_depot': None, 'skip_login': False, 'skip_licenses': False, 'long': False, 'vpk': False, 'name': None, 'regex': None}
[DEBUG] Opening file (r): C:\Users\overklassniy\AppData\Local\steamctl\steamctl\cs_servers.json
[DEBUG] CachingCDNClient: No steam licenses found on SteamClient instance
[DEBUG] Opening file (r): C:\Users\overklassniy\AppData\Local\steamctl\steamctl\client\lastuser
[INFO] SteamClient: Reusing previous username:
[INFO] SteamClient: Hint: use 'steamctl --user <username> ...' to change
[DEBUG] Opening file (r): C:\Users\overklassniy\AppData\Local\steamctl\steamctl\client\lastuser
[INFO] SteamClient: Enter credentials for:
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Attempting login
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Connect initiated.
[DEBUG] CMServerList: Attempting bootstrap via WebAPI
[DEBUG] urllib3.connectionpool: Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[DEBUG] urllib3.connectionpool: "GET /ISteamDirectory/GetCMList/v1/?cellid=0&format=json HTTP/1.1" 200 736
[DEBUG] CMServerList: Received 100 servers from WebAPI
[DEBUG] CMServerList: Added 100 new CM addresses.
[DEBUG] Connection: Attempting connection to ('', 27018)
[DEBUG] Connection: Connected.
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: 'connected'
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <Msg(<EMsg.ChannelEncryptRequest: 1303> | ChannelEncryptRequest)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ChannelEncryptRequest: 1303>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Securing channel
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Outgoing: <Msg(<EMsg.ChannelEncryptResponse: 1304> | ChannelEncryptResponse)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <Msg(<EMsg.ChannelEncryptResult: 1305> | ChannelEncryptResult)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ChannelEncryptResult: 1305>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Channel secured
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: 'channel_secured'
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientLogon: 5514> | CMsgClientLogon)>
[DEBUG] Connection: Connection error (reader).
[DEBUG] Connection: Disconnected.
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientLogOnResponse: 751> | CMsgClientLogonResponse)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientLogOnResponse: 751>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: 'error'
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: 'disconnected'
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: 'auth_code_required'
Enter 2FA code:
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Attempting login
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Connect initiated.
[DEBUG] Connection: Attempting connection to ('', 27018)
[DEBUG] Connection: Connected.
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: 'connected'
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <Msg(<EMsg.ChannelEncryptRequest: 1303> | ChannelEncryptRequest)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ChannelEncryptRequest: 1303>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Securing channel
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Outgoing: <Msg(<EMsg.ChannelEncryptResponse: 1304> | ChannelEncryptResponse)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <Msg(<EMsg.ChannelEncryptResult: 1305> | ChannelEncryptResult)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ChannelEncryptResult: 1305>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Channel secured
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: 'channel_secured'
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientLogon: 5514> | CMsgClientLogon)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Decompressing payload (7699 -> 19501)
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientServersAvailable: 5501> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientServersAvailable: 5501>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientServersAvailable: 5501> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientServersAvailable: 5501>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientLogOnResponse: 751> | CMsgClientLogonResponse)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientLogOnResponse: 751>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientAccountInfo: 768> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientAccountInfo: 768>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientEmailAddrInfo: 5456> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientEmailAddrInfo: 5456>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientFriendsList: 767> | CMsgClientFriendsList)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientFriendsList: 767>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPlayerNicknameList: 5587> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPlayerNicknameList: 5587>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientLicenseList: 780> | CMsgClientLicenseList)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientLicenseList: 780>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <Msg(<EMsg.ClientUpdateGuestPassesList: 798> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientUpdateGuestPassesList: 798>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientWalletInfoUpdate: 5528> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientWalletInfoUpdate: 5528>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientGameConnectTokens: 779> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientGameConnectTokens: 779>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientIsLimitedAccount: 5430> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientIsLimitedAccount: 5430>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientRequestedClientStats: 5480> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientRequestedClientStats: 5480>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPlayingSessionState: 9600> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPlayingSessionState: 9600>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <Msg(<EMsg.ClientVACBanStatus: 782> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientVACBanStatus: 782>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Logon completed
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Heartbeat started.
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: 'logged_on'
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientRequestFriendData: 815> | CMsgClientRequestFriendData)>
[DEBUG] CachingSteamClient.friends: Emit event: 'ready'
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientFriendsGroupsList: 5553> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientFriendsGroupsList: 5553>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Decompressing payload (2696 -> 4706)
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Decompressing payload (282 -> 307)
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[DEBUG] Opening file (r): C:\Users\overklassniy\AppData\Local\steamctl\steamctl\client\lastuser
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Login result is: <EResult.OK: 1>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientHeartBeat: 703> | CMsgClientHeartBeat)>
[INFO] steamctl.commands.depot.gcmds: Login to Steam successful
[INFO] steamctl.commands.depot.gcmds: Checking licenses
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Fetching product info
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPICSAccessTokenRequest: 8905> | CMsgClientPICSAccessTokenRequest)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientServersAvailable: 5501> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientServersAvailable: 5501>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Decompressing payload (3636 -> 4218)
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPICSAccessTokenResponse: 8906> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPICSAccessTokenResponse: 8906>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: 'job_1'
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPICSProductInfoRequest: 8903> | CMsgClientPICSProductInfoRequest)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Decompressing payload (27193 -> 73503)
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPICSProductInfoResponse: 8904> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPICSProductInfoResponse: 8904>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: 'job_2'
[INFO] steamctl.commands.depot.gcmds: Checking change list
[DEBUG] Opening file (r): C:\Users\overklassniy\AppData\Local\steamctl\steamctl\Cache\last_change_number
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Checking PICS for app changes
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPICSChangesSinceRequest: 8901> | CMsgClientPICSChangesSinceRequest)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPICSChangesSinceResponse: 8902> | not parsed)>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPICSChangesSinceResponse: 8902>
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Emit event: 'job_3'
[DEBUG] Opening file (w): C:\Users\overklassniy\AppData\Local\steamctl\steamctl\Cache\last_change_number
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Checking for outdated cached appinfo files
[INFO] steamctl.commands.depot.gcmds: Getting manifests for 'public' branch
[DEBUG] SteamClient: Serving appinfo from cache
[DEBUG] Opening file (r): C:\Users\overklassniy\AppData\Local\steamctl\steamctl\Cache\appinfo\570.json
[DEBUG] CachingCDNClient: No license for depot 373307 (373307). Skipped
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eabf60: async_fetch_manifest(570, 373301, {'download': '3384473472', 'gid': '688587217582548, False, 373301, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eabec0: async_fetch_manifest(570, 373302, {'download': '413916160', 'gid': '3359077453500305, False, 373302, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eabe20: async_fetch_manifest(570, 373303, {'download': '120131232', 'gid': '4633515792822738, False, 373303, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eabd80: async_fetch_manifest(570, 373304, {'download': '504863760', 'gid': '1539172369293628, False, 373304, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eabce0: async_fetch_manifest(570, 373305, {'download': '0', 'gid': '4435851250675935801', 's, False, 373305, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eabc40: async_fetch_manifest(570, 373306, {'download': '504204080', 'gid': '5896882766043136, False, 373306, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eabba0: async_fetch_manifest(570, 373308, {'download': '727591408', 'gid': '8598853793233320, False, 373308, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eabb00: async_fetch_manifest(570, 373309, {'download': '2660315952', 'gid': '580654167155923, False, 373309, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eaba60: async_fetch_manifest(570, 381450, {'download': '4178889840', 'gid': '479095372622403, False, 381450, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eaa8e0: async_fetch_manifest(570, 381451, {'download': '1113096752', 'gid': '358506221108698, False, 381451, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eaa840: async_fetch_manifest(570, 381452, {'download': '1429994176', 'gid': '326758207877784, False, 381452, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eaa7a0: async_fetch_manifest(570, 381453, {'download': '1147035072', 'gid': '712397445272938, False, 381453, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eaa700: async_fetch_manifest(570, 381454, {'download': '833956656', 'gid': '5297697076786798, False, 381454, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eaa660: async_fetch_manifest(570, 381455, {'download': '16972018240', 'gid': '85316722775134, False, 381455, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eaa5c0: async_fetch_manifest(570, 381456, {'download': '535158960', 'gid': '6026416198063304, False, 381456, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'
2024-02-08T12:47:58Z <Greenlet at 0x22178eaa520: async_fetch_manifest(570, 401531, {'download': '80', 'gid': '3442758096700779883', ', False, 401531, branch_name='public', branch_pass=None)> failed with TypeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Python310\lib\", line 196, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "C:\Program Files\Python310\lib\", line 86, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\Scripts\steamctl.exe\", line 7, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steamctl\", line 59, in main
    rcode = cmd_func(args=args)
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steamctl\commands\depot\", line 326, in cmd_depot_list
    with init_clients(args) as (_, _, manifests):
  File "C:\Program Files\Python310\lib\", line 135, in __enter__
    return next(self.gen)
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steamctl\commands\depot\", line 254, in init_clients
    for manifest in cdn.get_manifests(, branch=branch, password=password, filter_func=depot_filter, decrypt=False):
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 857, in get_manifests
    result = task.get()
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 805, in gevent._gevent_cgreenlet.Greenlet.get
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 373, in gevent._gevent_cgreenlet.Greenlet._raise_exception
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\gevent\", line 49, in reraise
    raise value.with_traceback(tb)
  File "src\\gevent\\", line 908, in
  File "C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\steam\client\", line 785, in async_fetch_manifest
    app_id, depot_id, int(manifest_gid), branch_name, branch_pass
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not 'dict'

Versions Report

steamctl --versions-report
steamctl: 0.9.5

               steam: 1.4.4
             appdirs: 1.4.4
         argcomplete: 3.2.2
                tqdm: 4.66.1
               arrow: 1.3.0
            pyqrcode: 1.2.1
      beautifulsoup4: 4.12.3
                 vpk: 1.4.0
                 vdf: 3.4
 gevent-eventemitter: 2.1
              gevent: 23.9.1
            greenlet: 3.0.3
              pyyaml: Not Installed
       pycryptodomex: 3.20.0
            protobuf: 3.20.3

Python runtime:
          executable: C:\Users\overklassniy\Desktop\venv\Scripts\python.exe
             version: 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr  5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
            platform: win32

System info:
              system: Windows
             machine: AMD64
             release: 10
             version: 10.0.19045


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