This is the frontend application for the VMEX Finance Protocol. This app uses react-app-rewired to ensure all dependencies are appropriately handled. For web3 functionality, an older version of wagmi is used so that viem
does not collide with ethers
, which is used in the SDK.
Make sure to set your local enviornment variables, as the provided example in .env.example
To start local development, first clone the VMEX SDK/contracts repo and then link the SDK package to the VMEX App Repo.
Then, inside the VMEX monorepo, run:
yarn contracts compile
yarn sdk build
yarn contracts start:dev
Then, in the VMEX App repo, run:
yarn dev
When adding new features:
- Create a new branch based on
with the appriopriate schema:[username]/[feature-or-bug]
(Recommended Usage:git checkout -b [username]/[feature-or-bug] origin/develop
) - Pull
to ensure your branch is up to date - Create a pull request to
- Request a contributor to review
├── api
├── config
├── hooks
├── pages
├── store
├── ui
│ ├── base # Includes navbar, footer, and base layout
│ ├── charts # Includes chart UI components
│ ├── components # Includes subcomponents to be used in larger UI components
│ ├── features # Includes larger components to be injected into templates
│ ├── modals # Includes all modals and their subcomponents
│ ├── tables # Includes all tables, some made with MUIDataTable
│ └── templates # Includes templates for app, dashboard, generic grid, etc.
├── utils # Tools and utilities
├── index.css
├── index.tsx # App injection and all global contexts
└── router.tsx # Pages router using hash router
- Branch:
- Link:
Development Branch:
- Branch:
- Link:
Volatile Labs, LLC
MIT License