This container wraps the Imuv application.
docker build -t vcity:imuv Context
no cache options :
docker build --no-cache -t vcity:imuv Context
If you want specify a branch name or commit name for Imuv use this (by default it's master):
docker build -t vcity:imuv --build-arg checkoutName=main Context
.env file is used to specify the environment variables for the container. You can use the UD-Imuv/master/env-default file as a template.
Get the env-default file from the UD-Imuv repository and copy it in a .env file.
wget -cO - > .env
# Fill the .env
curl -kLSs -o .env
# Fill the .env
You can have descriptions of the variables in the UD-Imuv Readme.
Note: If you have not launch a parse-server and a mongodb service as explain here some features will be not available.
Run with redirection of port
docker run -p [--detach] --rm --env-file .env -t vcity:imuv
- -p : redirect the port 8000 of the container to the port 8042 of the host
- --detach : run the container in background
- --rm : remove the container when it stops
- --env-file : specify the .env file
- -t : tag of the image
and open a web browser on URL http://localhost:8042/