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[Matrics Webapp] is a pollution metrics dashboard for Canadian cities and states. It allows users to explore air quality and weather data for various regions within Canada. Users can navigate through Canadian states, view a list of cities, and access detailed pollution and weather information for each city. The app also features a search functionality to help users find specific states and cities of interest. It provides real-time data and helps users make informed decisions based on air quality and weather conditions in different parts of Canada.
Visual Studia Code, React.js and Redux.js.
- [React Library]
- [Linters implementation]
- [Metrics application]
- [API integration]
- Live Demo Link
In order to use this project.. Clone this repository to your desired folder by pasting this command in your command line interface:
Node.js React.js ES6 Git HTML/JavaScript linters
To install the project's dependencies, run:
npm install
To use, run:
npm start
To test this application, run:
npm test
- GitHub: @Uzair-Manzoor
- Instagram: @Uzair-Manzoor
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
- [A medium fedility wire-frame application]
- [Metrics web application]
- [Secure deployment Render]
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Kindly give this project a star if you like it.
I would like to thank Nelson Sakwa for the original Design on Behance.
This project is Creative Commons license.