The Task Manager project is a Solidity-based smart contract that enables users to create, update, and manage tasks on the Ethereum blockchain. The contract ensures that only the task owner can edit, delete, or mark tasks as completed. It leverages OpenZeppelin's Ownable
contract for ownership management.
- Create new tasks with a title and description.
- Edit existing tasks (only by the task owner).
- Mark tasks as completed.
- Delete tasks (only by the task owner).
- Retrieve all tasks owned by the caller.
- Get the total number of tasks created.
The contract is deployed using Hardhat with the following deployment script:
- Clone the repository:
git clone <https://github.com/Utkarshsaxena80/Task-Manager> cd task-manager
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Compile the contract:
npx hardhat compile
- Deploy the contract to a local Hardhat network:
npx hardhat node npx hardhat deploy --network localhost/sepolia
- Use
to create a new task. - Call
to complete a task. - Call
to modify a task. - Use
to remove a task. - Retrieve all owned tasks using
This project is licensed under the MIT License.