NoiseModelling is a library capable of producing noise maps. It can be freely used either for research and education, as well as by experts in a professional use.
A general overview of the model (v3.4.5 - September 2020) can be found in this video.
- for more information on NoiseModelling, visit the offical NoiseModelling website
- to contribute to NoiseModelling source code, follow the "Get Started Dev" page
- to contact the support / development team,
- open an issue : or a write a message : (we prefer these two options)
- send us an email at
- follow us on LinkedIn
The current stable version is v5.0.0 (see latest release page)
An online documentation is available here.
NoiseModelling project is leaded by acousticians from the Joint Research Unit in Environmental Acoustics (UMRAE, Université Gustave Eiffel - Cerema) and Geographic Information Science specialists from Lab-STICC laboratory (CNRS - DECIDE Team).
The NoiseModelling team owns the majority of the authorship of this application, but any external contributions are warmly welcomed.
NoiseModelling and its documentation are distributed for free under GPL v3.
NoiseModelling was initially developed in a research context, which has led to numerous scientific publications. For more information, have a look to the "Scientific production" page.
To quote this tool, please use the following bibliographic reference: Erwan Bocher, Gwenaël Guillaume, Judicaël Picaut, Gwendall Petit, Nicolas Fortin. NoiseModelling: An Open Source GIS Based Tool to Produce Environmental Noise Maps. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, MDPI, 2019, 8 (3), pp.130. - 10.3390/ijgi8030130
Research projects:
- ANR Eval-PDU (ANR-08-VILL-0005) 2008-2011
- ANR Veg-DUD (ANR-09-VILL-0007) 2009-2014
- ANR CENSE (ANR-16-CE22-0012) 2017-2021
- Nature4cities (N4C) project, funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730468
- PlaMADE 2020-2022
Institutional (public) fundings:
- Université Gustave Eiffel (formerly Ifsttar, formerly LCPC), CNRS, Cerema, Université Bretagne Sud, Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Private fundings:
- Airbus Urban Mobility