This script generates Yamato job definition files based on configuration/metafiles, making it easier to change the Yamato jobs by (usually) only editing these metafiles.
- Pros:
- no manual editing means less linter errors, path mismatches etc
- consistency among all files
- easy to track changes to .yml files with git diff, since they are in their final form
- reduced code duplication and possibility define constants in a single place
- Cons:
- the higher consistency among files and the reduced code duplication makes introducing exceptions more difficult
- .yamato/config/ - directory containing configurations (metafiles) for the jobs to be generated, this is where most of the changes to Yamato jobs should be introduced (Input)
- .yamato/ - directory containing all the generated job definition files (.yml) (Output)
- .yamato/ruamel/ - main script, which creates the actual yml files
- .yamato/ruamel/ - helper script to read the metafiles and retrieve according information and/or override keys from ___shared.metafile
- .yamato/ruamel/jobs/ - directory containing all Python modules for the jobs to be generated, which are organized into subdirectories by domains
Script must be run again each time new changes are introduced in the metafiles.
- Install ruamel by
pip install ruamel.yaml
) - Run script inside ruamel/ directory by
The majority of changes are introduced within metafiles (.yamato/config/*.metafile, for details check metafile descriptions below). After introducing changes, the script must be rerun (to clean up current jobs, and fetch the updated metafiles to recreate the jobs)
- Add a new project to ABV: add the project name (the one used inside the project’s own metafile, e.g. Universal) under abv.projects
- Add a new job to Nightly: add the dependency under nightly.extra_dependencies (these dependencies run in addition to ABV)
- Add job to trunk verification: add the dependency under trunk_verification.dependencies
- Adding a new job to All_{project_name}: add the new job under all.dependencies (this job can also be from a different project)
- Adding a new platform/api for the project: extend the list under platforms as indicated
- Creating a new project: create a new metafile same way as is done for existing projects. All ymls get created once the script runs
- Use different agent than what is specified in the shared metafile: override the agent as described in the metafile description under platforms section
- Adding a new package: extend packages list with new package details. The new package jobs get automatically created once the script runs (pack, publish, test, test_dependencies). The package is also automatically included in test_all and publish_all jobs.
- When branching out (e.g. moving from master to 9.x.x/release branch), the following steps must be done:
- In __shared.metafile :
- Change
section to contain the correct editors - Change
to the target editor track for this branch (this is used e.g. for dependencies of packages#publish_, preview_publish#publish_ and preview_publish#wait_for_nightly) (e.g. for 9.x.x this would correspond to2020.1
) - Change
to the current branch (this is used for ci triggers, such as ABV (all_project_ci) jobs) (e.g. for 9.x.x this would correspond to9.x.x/release
) - Change
to the correct ci branch (editor pinning branch)
- Change
- In __editor.metafile:
- Change
to correct track (trunk, 2020.1, etc)
- Change
- In _packages.metafile:
- Change
to correct track (trunk, 2020.1, etc), on which package publish job depends on. This track is also used for setting a separate PR trigger on all package CI job (but it is currently commented out/disabled, as it is already covered by ABV).
- Change
- In __shared.metafile :
- Change
- There are 3 base test platforms to choose from: standalone (build), playmode, editmode. These can be extended by renaming them, and/or adding additional utr on top of existing ones. Their corresponding base UTR flags are found in
- If name not specified, name it set to type. Name is used for creating Yamato job ids and excluding testplatforms. If setting up e.g. two playmode types with different flags, renaming must be used, otherwise (due to matching job id) one job overrides the other.
- If a specific platform requires flags different from what is marked in
, they are to be configured in the corresponding platform cmd file. Either a) override flag value with the optional parameters b) cancel the flag by overriding withNone
(make sure the function expects such value for such flag though), or c) append additional platform specific flags to the utr_flags list - Exclude testplatforms for platforms by specifying the testplatform NAME (not type) in
- Example: extending the default playmode for a specific project performance tests (this takes base playmode flags, and appends these for all platforms, unless specified otherwise in platform cmd file.) Note: when adding extra args to a standalone job, build flags can be specified separately by
(scroll down to see project metafile docs)If this platform should not be included eg for IPhone, then specify it in- type: playmode name: playmode_perf_build extra_utr_flags: - --scripting-backend=il2cpp - --timeout=1200 - --performance-project-id=URP_Performance - --testfilter=Build - --suite=Editor
likeiPhone: name: iPhone os: ios apis: - name: Metal exclude_test_platforms: - editmode - ... - playmode_perf_build
- There are 3 base test platforms to choose from: standalone (build), playmode, editmode. These can be extended by renaming them, and/or adding additional utr on top of existing ones. Their corresponding base UTR flags are found in
- If name not specified, name it set to type. Name is used for creating Yamato job ids and excluding testplatforms. If setting up e.g. two playmode types with different flags, renaming must be used, otherwise (due to matching job id) one job overrides the other.
- If a specific platform requires flags different from what is marked in
, they are to be configured in the corresponding platform cmd file. Either a) override flag value with the optional parameters b) cancel the flag by overriding withNone
(make sure the function expects such value for such flag though), or c) append additional platform specific flags to the utr_flags list - Exclude testplatforms for platforms by specifying the testplatform NAME (not type) in
- Example: extending the default playmode for a specific project performance tests (this takes base playmode flags, and appends these for all platforms, unless specified otherwise in platform cmd file.) Note: when adding extra args to a standalone job, build flags can be specified separately by
(scroll down to see project metafile docs)If this platform should not be included eg for IPhone, then specify it in- type: playmode name: playmode_perf_build extra_utr_flags: - --scripting-backend=il2cpp - --timeout=1200 - --performance-project-id=URP_Performance - --testfilter=Build - --suite=Editor
likeiPhone: name: iPhone os: ios apis: - name: Metal exclude_test_platforms: - editmode - ... - playmode_perf_build
- All files follow a similar structure and changes can be done according to the metafile descriptions given below.
- Creating a new job:
- Create a new job file under a domain/, same way as existing jobs are defined.
- Each domain subdirectory contains a file with a function that loops over everything defined in a metafile, and stores all the created yml jobs for this domain, and then returns a dictionary with (key,value) pairs of (file_path,yml_content) respectively. Add the newly created job into this function and make sure it is included in this dictionary with its filepath as the key.
- When the script runs, it will dump the new job along with the rest of the jobs in this dictionary into their respective files.
- Changing constants, variables, paths, ids, etc: all changes should be introduced in either shared/ or shared/
- Extending the YAMLJob building block class: if new functionality is needed, e.g. a new section under any job file is needed, define it as a function under shared/ class.
- Changing to using split test/build for Standalone: under jobs/projects/commands/ change the reference to which set of commands to use. For instance, to switch from Linux to Linux split, change under linux section all linux.cmd* to linux_split.cmd_*. This simply uses the different set of commands, and the project job definition will automatically create split test/build if split commandset is used, and vice versa.
- Project jobs are defined by 3 job definition files: standalone (contains standalone_build job if split commandset is used), standalone_build (build job for standalone tests), not_standalone (editmode, playmode, playmode_xr)
- Because all jobs follow the same structure no matter which platform/api is used, with only the commands (and the agent) being different, then commands are obtained from files under jobs/projects/commands/{platform}.py by the job definition class.
- Each of these files has commands specific to its platform. If commands differ also per api, like for OSX, then {platform}_{api}.py format is used.
- Each of these files contains functions for 3 commandsets (for standalone, standalone_build, not_standalone), which are then used according to which job is being created.
- The mapping of which commands to use for which platform is done under This also makes it easy to switch the set of commands for a specific platform, such as to switch to new split built/test, without completely losing the old solution.
Editor priming:
- Gets the editor in a separate job to save on the compute resources, stores the editor version in a .txt file which is then picked up by the parent job which calls unity-downloader-cli
- Still used for custom-revision jobs, because we don't want to hold on to expensive compute resources the job itself requires, while waiting for the editor
Editor pinning:
- Updates editor revisions (
) on a nightly basis, on the condition that ABV for this editor track passes. This way, if e.g. trunk breaks, it is discovered by the nightly update job (and revisions for this platform won't be updated), and we continue using the latest working revision, until a new working one becomes available. - There are 3 types of revisions retrieved from unity-downloader-cli:
corresponds to--fast
corresponds to--published-only
, andlatest_internal
corresponds to no flags - There are 2
jobs, which are identical except for triggers and dependencies:- [ABV] [CI] is the main one used in the CI flow. It is has the branch trigger for versions file, and the dependent merge revision jobs have ABV as dependency (updated revisions only get merged on green ABV)
- [no ABV] [no CI] is the manual counterpart of CI flow. It has no triggers, and it does not have ABV dependencies, i.e. it is essentially a forced push of updated revisions (since no ABV is run, it merges whatever revisions are on ci branch into target, and regenerates ymls based on those). It is useful for either testing the editor pinning, or to force updating the revisions when ABV dependency is seen as blocking.
- Setup on master:
- 2 nightlies, one for trunk and other for 2020.2 (nightlies contain ABV, package pack/test all, and some additional jobs)
- ABV on PRs is triggered for 2020.2 (change under
) - Trunk targets latest_internal, 2020.2 targets staging (editor revisions)
- Package publish all (dependencies) run against trunk (change under
- Workflow in short:
- Update job runs nightly on target-branch. It merges target-branch into ci-branch (syncs), gets new revisions for all tracks and pushes these together with updated ymls to ci branch
- Merge job is triggered on changes to editor version files on ci-branch. It runs a merge job per each track, which (if the ABV with updated revisions passes green) pushes the corresponding editor revisions file to target-branch. Once everything is done, it regenerates all ymls based on whichever revisions have reached master branch.
- Workflow in details is on figure below
- Updates editor revisions (
Running editor pinning locally:
- Make sure you have the latest version of unity-downloader-cli
- Update job:
python .yamato\ruamel\editor_pinning\ --target-branch [localbranch] --local
- --local flag specifies that no git pull/push/commit gets executed
- --target-branch would usually correspond to CI branch, but when running locally, just set it to the one you have checked out locally
- This job updates
locally, and also
again to regenerate all ymls with the updated revisions. You can either keep all of the latest revisions, or only the ones you want, and rerun ymls. Once ready, merge like normal PR (i.e. no need to run the merge_revisions job)
- Merge job:
python .yamato\ruamel\editor_pinning\ --target-branch [targetbranch] --local --revision [git sha] --track [editortrack]
- --local flag skips checkout/pull of the target branch (but still makes commit on the currently checkout branch, if there is something to commit)
- --target-branch the target branch into which the revisions get merged to from the ci branch (after jobs passed on ci branch, when CI context used). But due to the local flag, this branch won't get checked out/pulled.
- --revision the git SHA of the updated revisions commit (the one made on the ci branch by update job). The job runs
git diff HEAD..[revision] -- [path]
, i.e. diff between the current checked out branch vs that SHA (revision). (The path corresponds to yml files or the latest editor versions metafile, but this is already setup within the job). Therefore the merge job only cares about these two paths, and will not merge other changes. This works, because in general, if merge job gets triggered, then CI branch is 1 commit ahead of target branch (which is the updated revisions commit). - --track specifies which editor track the merge job runs for (i.e which editor file it aims to merge)
- In general there is no need to run this file locally. It is only handy when wanting to test the script for syntax errors/functionality etc.
- How is Nightly ABV set up (all_project_ci_nightly)? Nightly contains the normal ABV (all_project_ci), smoke tests, plus any additional jobs specified in the _abv.metafile under nightly extra dependencies.
- What are smoke tests? Blank Unity projects containing all SRP packages (and default packages) to make sure all packages work with each other
- Why does OpenGLCore not have standalone? Because the GPU is simulated and this job is too resource heavy for these machines
- What happens to editor pinning if ABV is red? If ABV is red, then editor pinning merge job fails, i.e. the target branch (on which ABV runs) will not get editor revisions updated automatically. To remedy this, there are 2 merge jobs, one postfixed with [ABV] (triggered automatically, dependent on ABV), other with [manual] (triggered manually, not dependent on ABV). If editor revisions must be updated despite the red ABV, then the manual job must be triggered.
__shared.metafile: contains configurations shared across all Yamato jobs (.i.e the central configuration file).
# main branch for ci triggers etc
target_branch: master
# target editor version used for this branch
target_editor: trunk
# editors applied for all yml files (overridable) (bunch of examples)
# run editor pinning for trunk, and set up a recurrent nightly
- track: trunk
name: trunk #name used in job ids
rerun_strategy: on-new-revision
editor_pinning: True #use editor pinning for this track
nightly: True #run the _Nightly job nightly
# run editor pinning for 2020.2, and set up a recurrent nightly
- track: 2020.2
name: 2020.2
rerun_strategy: on-new-revision
editor_pinning: True
nightly: True
# don't use editor pinning for 2020.2, use --fast flag with editor priming instead.
# trigger ABV on fast-2020.2 on PRs, but disable the recurrent _Nightly job
- track: 2020.2
name: fast-2020.2
rerun_strategy: on-new-revision
editor_pinning: False #don't use editor pinning, let it use editor-priming instead
fast: True #use --fast flag (so get the latest built revision)
abv_pr: True #trigger ABV on PRs (so run fast-2020.2 like before editor pinning)
nightly: False #don't run nightly on this editor
# don't use editor pinning for 2020.2, use editor priming instead
# don't trigger ABV on latest-2020.2 on PRs, and disable the recurrent _Nightly job
- track: 2020.2
name: latest-2020.2
rerun_strategy: on-new-revision
editor_pinning: False
fast: False #don't use --fast flag (get the latest possibly not-build revision)
abv_pr: False #dont trigger ABV on PRs for this editor
nightly: False #dont run nightly for this editor
# run custom revision as usual (editor priming)
rerun_strategy: always
editor_pinning: False #custom revision always has editor pinning as false
fast: False #custom revision always has fast as false
# specifies platform details for each platform
name: Win
os: windows
- name: DX11
cmd: -force-d3d11
- name: DX12
cmd: -force-d3d12
- name: Vulkan
cmd: -force-vulkan
- editor
- il2cpp
agents_project: # agents used by all Windows project jobs (if apis use different agents, postfix this section with api. See OSX example)
default: # default agent is used when no specific test platform agent is specified
type: Unity::VM::GPU
image: sdet/gamecode_win10:stable
flavor: b1.large
type: Unity::VM
image: sdet/gamecode_win10:stable
flavor: b1.xlarge
type: Unity::VM
image: sdet/gamecode_win10:stable
flavor: b1.large
type: Unity::VM
image: sdet/gamecode_win10:stable
flavor: b1.large
type: Unity::VM
image: sdet/gamecode_win10:stable
flavor: b1.large
agent_package: # used for package/template related jobs
type: Unity::VM
image: package-ci/win10:stable
flavor: b1.large
copycmd: copy upm-ci~\packages\*.tgz .Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\Editor # used for package/template jobs
editorpath: .\.Editor # used for package/template jobs
name: OSX
os: macos
- name: Metal
- name: OpenGLCore
exclude_test_platforms: # specify which test platforms to exclude for this api
- Standalone
- editor
- il2cpp
agents_project_Metal: # agents used by all OSX Metal project jobs
type: Unity::metal::macmini
image: slough-ops/macos-10.14-xcode:stable
flavor: m1.mac
agents_project_OpenGLCore: # agents used by all OSX OpenGLCore project jobs
type: Unity::VM::osx
image: package-ci/mac:stable
flavor: m1.mac
type: Unity::VM::osx
image: package-ci/mac:stable
flavor: m1.mac
copycmd: cp ./upm-ci~/packages/*.tgz ./.Editor/
editorpath: "$(pwd)/.Editor/"
# agents used by package, template etc jobs (dict)
type: Unity::VM
image: cds-ops/ubuntu-16.04-base:stable
flavor: b1.small
type: Unity::VM
image: package-ci/ubuntu:stable
flavor: b1.large
type: Unity::VM::GPU
image: sdet/gamecode_win10:stable
flavor: b1.large
abv: # all_project_ci (ABV) job configuration
projects: # projects to include in ABV by calling All_{project} jobs
- name: Universal
- name: Universal_Stereo
- ...
nightly: # all_project_ci_nightly job configuration
extra_dependencies: # project jobs to run in addition to ABV
- project: Universal # use this format to run a specific job
platform: Android
api: OpenGLES3
- Standalone
- project: HDRP_Hybrid # use this format to run an All_{project} job
all: true
- ...
smoke_test: # smoke tests configuration. Agents refer back to __shared.metafile
folder: SRP_SmokeTest
agent: sdet_win_large # (used for editmode)
agent_gpu: sdet_win_large_gpu
test_platforms: # test platforms to create smoke tests for
- Standalone
- playmode
- editmode
trunk_verification: # jobs to include in trunk verification job
- project: Universal
platform: Win
api: DX11
- playmode
- editmode
- ...
# optionally to override editors from __shared.metafile
- version: trunk
rerun_strategy: always
# All platforms for editor priming jobs
# Exhaustive list of operating systems and editor components used by all jobs so the preparation jobs
# can make sure all editors are cached on cheap vms before starting the heavy duty machines for running tests
- name: OSX
- name: Android
- name: Win
- name: Linux
- name: iPhone
editor_priming_agent: cds_ops_ubuntu_small # agent for editor priming
editor_pin_agent: package_ci_ubuntu_small # agent for editor pinning
# Overrides for target and ci branch used for editor pinning (the actual branches are marked in shared metafile)
# This is useful when testing editor pinning on other branches
target_branch_editor_ci: yamato/editor-pin-ci # the branch on which the ci job runs (merge job)
target_branch: yamato/editor-pin # the branch which gets the updated revisions pushed into
# Configuration required by
trunk_track: '2020.2' # track running on trunk: this must match across all release branches
editor_tracks: # specifies tracks which go in _latest_editor_versions: this must differ per release branches (e.g. 2020.1, 2020.2 etc)
- trunk
# Paths relative to the root. Use forward slashes as directory separators.
editor_versions_file: .yamato/config/_latest_editor_versions.metafile
ruamel_build_file: .yamato/ruamel/
yml_files_path: .yamato/*.yml
# Components to have unity-downloader-cli to trigger.
- editor
- il2cpp
- editor
- il2cpp
- editor
- il2cpp
- editor
- il2cpp
- android
- editor
- ios
versions_file_header: |
# WARNING: This file is automatically generated.
# To add new Unity Editor tracks, the script needs to be updated.
# packages to create pack/test/publish jobs for
- name: Core
id: core
packagename: com.unity.render-pipelines.core
- core
- name: Lightweight
id: lwrp
packagename: com.unity.render-pipelines.lightweight
- core
- shadergraph
- universal
- lwrp
- ...
# platforms for test jobs (agents refer to __shared.metafile)
- name: Win
- name: OSX
# agents specific for pack/publish/publish_all jobs
agent_pack: package_ci_win_large
agent_publish: package_ci_win_large
agent_publish_all: package_ci_ubuntu_large
# optionally to override editors from __shared.metafile
- version: trunk
# publishing variables
publishing: # these are currently commented out and dont work though
auto_publish: true # if true, publish_all_preview gets daily recurrent trigger
auto_version: true # if true, auto_version gets branch trigger
# platform dependencies for package pack and publish jobs
- name: Win
- name: OSX
# package dependencies
- name: core
path: com.unity.render-pipelines.core
type: package
publish_source: true # if true, publish and promote jobs are created
standalone: true
- ...
# agents for specific jobs,referring to __shared.metafile
agent_promote: package_ci_win_large
agent_auto_version: package_ci_ubuntu_large
# override editors from __shared.metafile file
- version: trunk
# templates to create jobs for
- name: HDRP Template
id: hdrp_template
packagename: com.unity.template-hd
- core
- shadergraph
- vfx
- config
- hdrp
hascodependencies: 1
- ...
# platforms to run template tests on
- name: Win
- name: OSX
# agents for specific jobs
agent_pack: package_ci_win_large
agent_test: package_ci_win_large
agent_all_ci: package_ci_win_large
# optionally to override editors from __shared.metafile
- version: trunk
If the project is just a high-level job only consisting of dependencies, then project.folder
, test_platforms
, and platforms
can be left out (i.e. you only need to specify
and all.dependencies
# project details
name: project_name # e.g. Universal
folder: project_folder # e.g. UniversalGraphicsTest
folder_standalone: project_folder_standalone # use this if standalone is in different folder, like for HDRP currently
# test platforms to generate jobs for
- type: Standalone
extra_utr_flags: # specify additional utr flags to run for this project and test platform
- --some-extra-utr-flag
- --some-extra-utr-flag # additional utr flags for build (only available for standalone type)
timeout: 3000 # overrides default timeout 1200 for all platforms which use this property in cmd files
# timeout: # overrides default timeout per platform (for unspecified platforms, default is used)
# OSX_Metal: 2400
# Win: 3000
timeout_build: 3000 # overrides default timeout 1200 for all platforms which use this property in cmd files (only for split build jobs)
# timeout_build: # overrides default timeout per platform (for unspecified platforms, default is used)
# Win: 3000
- type: playmode
- type: editmode
- type: playmode # custom testplatform: specify the 'base' type, name it to what you want, and add any additional flags
name: playmode_XR
- --extra-editor-arg="-xr-tests"
# platforms to use (platform details obtained from __shared.metafile)
# platforms can be overridden by using the same structure from shared
- name: OSX
- Metal
- OpenGLCore
- name: Linux
- Vulkan
- OpenGLCore
- name: Android
- Vulkan
- OpenGLES3
- name: iPhone
- Metal
- name: Win
- DX11
- DX12
- Vulkan
- name: Win
- DX11
- DX12
- Vulkan
## override example for Win
# overrides: # allows to override keys under __shared platform section (copycmd, editorpath, agent_package, agents_project)
# copycmd: your new copy cmd
# editorpath: your new editor path
# agents_project:
# default:
# type: Unity::VM::GPU
# image: graphics-foundation/win10-dxr:stable
# flavor: b1.xlarge
# model: rtx2080
# editmode:
# type: Unity::VM
# image: graphics-foundation/win10-dxr:stable
# flavor: b1.xlarge
# standalone:
# type: Unity::VM::GPU
# image: graphics-foundation/win10-dxr:stable
# flavor: b1.xlarge
# model: rtx2080
# standalone_build:
# type: Unity::VM
# image: graphics-foundation/win10-dxr:stable
# flavor: b1.xlarge
# model: rtx2080
# which jobs to run under All_{project_name} job
# this is the same structure as in abv nightly extra dependencies
- platform: Win
api: DX11
- Standalone
- editmode
- playmode
- playmode_XR
- platform: OSX
api: Metal
- Standalone
- playmode
- project: HDRP_DXR # use this if there is a dependency to another project
platform: Win
api: DX12
- playmode
- project: HDRP_DXR # use this if there is a dependency to another project
all: true
- ...
# optionally to override editors from __shared.metafile
- version: trunk
rerun_strategy: always