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Timon G edited this page Mar 29, 2021 · 20 revisions

Common issues, that you may encounter are listed here, a fix, if available, will be there too. If you get an issue or error, that isn't listed here please open a new issue. Please make sure to fill out all the information, that is requested in the templates!

Table of Contents


Any errors, that you may encounter during the installation of OctoDash.

wget: missing URL


You've most likely exceeded the GitHub Rate Limit, therefore the newest release can't be retrieved from the server.


Wait an hour until your Rate Limit gets reset.

errors during installation


You are getting several errors during the installation of OctoDash.


Please update your software to the newest version first and try reinstalling

not starting automatically


OctoDash is not starting automatically, even though you installed it via the normal script.


Make sure you are logged in (auto-login can be enabled with the raspi-config tool). If that does not fix the issue make sure you can start OctoDash via the command octodash (you may need to execute export DISPLAY=:0 and ratpoison beforehand).

Cannot open virtual console 2


This issue comes up on some systems and prevents OctoDash from starting up correctly.


Fix the Xorg permission with sudo chmod ug+s /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg and restart your Raspberry

Cannot open display, Xinit failing, ...


You ran the installing script and restarted your Pi, but rather than seeing OcotDash you're just getting some error messages or just a blinking cursor at the very top of your screen.


This in many cases is a problem with the display setup and occurs with some of the displays. There are multiple (closed) issues to also look at. First thing to do is to check, whether you installed the drivers for your display (these are NOT included with OctoDash) and run the install script again for good measure. If you are sure, that you have the correct drivers installed here are some other things to try (make sure to reboot after each step to see if it is working):

  • Double Check that B2 is selected for the Boot Options in raspi-config
  • Connect a display via HDMI to see if OctoDash is available on the screen connected via HDMI
  • If you got a guide from your seller instructing you to change some settings (i.e. via raspi-config) - try just installing the driver without doing any of the subsequent steps listed in the guide.
  • Try reconfiguring your x11 server: sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common
  • Install additional packages, which my be needed for OctoPi distrobutions: sudo apt install libpam0g-dev libx11-dev
  • Install even more packages: sudo apt install raspberrypi-ui-mods (please try the above first)
  • Allow any user to use xinit: Stackexchange
  • Install Desktop Environment: sudo /home/pi/scripts/install-desktop

Touchscreen is rotated (Adafruit displays)


Your touchscreen is flipped around 90° even though you set it up correctly during the installation. ts_calibration and ts_test also have the correct orientation, but OctoDash doesn't.


Install lightdm through apt, run the installer script again, and then remove lightdm. Reboot. Thanks to @KTheMan


Any errors, that you may encounter during the setup of OctoDash.

Host and Port


If you're unsure what to enter in those fields or you're getting errors.


Always try localhost or for the host and 5000 for the port if you're running OctoDash on the same machine as OctoPrint. For more information about those values visit the setup guide.

OctoDash can't connect to Octoprint (0 unknown)


OctoDash can't connect to OctoPrint and is showing an error card (0 unknown).


Double check that you've entered the correct IP and Port and that your Pi can access the IP. If you're sure that these are correct and work please try enabling "Allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)" in the OctoPrint API settings (make sure to restart your Pi before trying again).


Any errors, that you may encounter during the usage of OctoDash.

Config is invalid


You're getting a message, telling you that your config is invalid alongside with some weird technical-looking things. This can either happen if you upgrade to many versions at a time (I'm trying to merge configs from the previous release, if possible, so if you're upgrading from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 you should be fine, but if you're going directly to 1.4.2 you might run into this error)


If you're unsure about what the errors mean you can always just delete that file rm ~/.config/octodash/config.json and reboot your Pi. This will open the initial setup screen again and will create a new, valid config for you. All your configuration data for OctoDash will be lost, OctoPrints data isn't touched.

If you understand what needs to be changed in your config please go ahead and edit it with your favorite text editor. You can find the config at ~/.config/octodash/config.json.

If you want more information about the config / settings have a look here.

OctoDash isn't waiting for my board to fully boot


This issue can occur if your board is taking to long to boot up. OctoDash will try to connect 3 times in the time span of 15 seconds, which might not be enough for some boards to boot up.


Please try the fork of OctoPrint PortLister by @mikekschloz.

Filament Change is slower than specified in configuration


Even though the feed speed is setup correctly in OctoDash, the speed at which filament is retracted / extruded does not change during the filament change process


OctoPrint defines a maximum speed for each axis, which will overwrite the speed of any axis command with a higher speed. Please make sure to update your Printer Profile accordingly to your OctoDash configuration.

Preheat button isn't working once preview images are enabled


You're getting a 405 error if you touch the preheat button on OctoDash, the button in the UI doesn't work too.


Increase "Max number of lines to look for preheat commands" in the settings of the preheat plugin. The preview images added to the top of the GCode file might push the actual temperature data behind the 1000th line. I would recommend increasing this number in 100 steps until it works. Alternatively you can change the size of your preview images - 16x16, 320x320 works fine with the default setting of 1000 lines.

My screen doesn't turn off / on while OctoDash is sleeping


You're screen isn't turning off after 5 minutes in sleep mode, even though you have the option enabled in OctoDash.


Please adjust these two settings to match your screen: Screen Sleep Command and Screen Wakeup Command. Google is your best friend here.