Created as part of a undergraduate thesis.
algID; algName;[algParams];problemID; problemName;problemDim;[problemParams]
{id; generation; [parentids]; timestamp; eval; fitness; [x]}*
Speed (10xslow), load, play
2dGraph [x_a,x_b] ali [fit, x_a] More grafs;
Jquery plugin for animating data of evolutionary calculation algorithms Prerequisites:
- Jquery ^3.1.0
- ** RAFPolyfill.js (request animation frame polyfill, if using older browsers)
Init properties (OBJECT) containing:
source string REQUIRED URL of the source file, or raw source data, depending on the settings (read below) URL SOURCE NOT YET IMPLEMENETED!
sourceType string Optional Set type of source, defaults to "URL". Possible types: "URL", "STRING"
playOnLoad bool Optional Defines if playback should start when plugin is done loading, defaults to true.
display array Optional Defines how many (2 per canvas) and which X values to show Shows all combinations of X-es by default e.g.: If the problem has 3 dimensions -> [x1,x2], [x1,x3], [x2,x3] Defined as an array, where the first X is numbered as "1": [1,2] would display a canvas elements containing a graph, showing [x1,x2]
To show multiple combinations define an array of arrays: [[1,2],[2,3]] -> [x1,x2] and [x2,x3]
canvasSize array Optional Defines dimensions of each canvas seperately, or globally. If only an array of 2 integers is set, that will be considered as the dimension for all canvases: [300,300] You can also pass an array of arrays (Identical in size to the above "display" array!) that will set dimensions for each canvas seperately
fps integer Optional Frames per second, defaults to 25
shadingHistory boolean Optional Display or hide step history with shading, defaults to true
fullPlayback boolean Optional Defaults to false, if set to true, playback will continue until the end of data
shownGenerations integer Optional Defaults to 3, defines how many generations before the current one should be shown. 0 means all generations.
meshColor string Optional Defaults to #e5e5e5, defines color of lines in the mesh on the canvas
meshInitialDisplay boolean Optional Defaults to false, turns on mesh on all canvases upon load if set to true
showPreviousLines boolean Optional Defaults to true, displays lines for steps before the last one
source: '',
sourceType: 'URL',
playOnLoad: false,
display: [1,2],
fps: 25,