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Adam edited this page Feb 8, 2019 · 1 revision

Creating a form

Simply create a YesNoForm object using the new keyword!

$form = new YesNoForm($closure, 'Are you sure?');

The first argument is the callable (we'll get to that later) and the second is the title of the form, they're both optional. However, if you leave the callable out you'll have to set it later.

Adding the buttons

Add the buttons by calling the method registerButtons() in your object!


Optionally, you can change the text for the buttons by passing an argument to the method.

$form->registerButtons(['Custom Yes', 'Custom No']);


After you register your buttons, you can call the function setImage() to give it an image!

The parameters for setImage are (int $yesOrNo, bool $isURL, string $imageURL) the first is yes or no, there are predefined constants for this that you can access like YesNoForm::YES and YesNoForm::NO, then simply put true if your image is accessed via URL or false if it's a path to a texture.

I recommend using a texture because URL's load really slow to the client.

Code example

$form->setImage($form::YES, false, 'textures/ui/checkboxFilledYellow');
$form->setImage($form::NO, false, 'textures/ui/checkboxUnFilled');


You can randomize the order of the options by calling the method randomize() in your object!


Forcing user input

You can force the user to press one of your options by calling the setter method setForced() in your object


Sending the form to a player

Sending a form is as simple as


with $form being your YesNoForm object mentioned above!

Callables and return values

Your callable function should have the arguments (Player $player, $data) If the player hits yes, the $data variable will be true; pressing no makes it false.

That's it!

It's really that simple, if you need help with this refer to the sample plugin

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