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ColinLeung-NiloCat committed Jul 26, 2020
1 parent 8187a56 commit 716777e
Showing 1 changed file with 27 additions and 19 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
[MainColor] _BaseColor("BaseColor", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_GroundColor("_GroundColor", Color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5)

[Header(Grass shape)]
[Header(Grass Shape)]
_GrassWidth("_GrassWidth", Float) = 1
_GrassHeight("_GrassHeight", Float) = 1

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_WindCTiling("_WindCTiling", Vector) = (0.77,3,0)
_WindCWrap("_WindCWrap", Vector) = (0.5,0.5,0)

_RandomNormal("_RandomNormal", Float) = 0.15

//make SRP batcher happy
[HideInInspector]_PivotPosWS("_PivotPosWS", Vector) = (0,0,0,0)
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half3 _BaseColor;
half3 _GroundColor;

half _RandomNormal;

StructuredBuffer<float4> _TransformBuffer;

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half3 result = (albedo * directDiffuse + directSpecular) * lighting;
return result;

Varyings vert(Attributes IN, uint instanceID : SV_InstanceID)
Varyings OUT;

// is posWS inside ComputeBuffer
//bufferData.w is scaleWS inside ComputeBuffer
float4 bufferData = _TransformBuffer[instanceID];
float3 perGrassPivotPosWS = * float3(_BoundSize.x,1,_BoundSize.y) + _PivotPosWS;
float3 perGrassPivotPosWS = * float3(_BoundSize.x,1,_BoundSize.y) + _PivotPosWS; //posOS -> posWS
float perGrassHeight = bufferData.w * _GrassHeight;

//get "is grass stepped" data(bending)
float2 grassBendingUV = ((perGrassPivotPosWS.xz - _PivotPosWS.xz) / _BoundSize) * 0.5 + 0.5;//where is this grass inside bound (can optimize to 2 MAD)
//get "is grass stepped" data(bending) from RT
float2 grassBendingUV = ((perGrassPivotPosWS.xz - _PivotPosWS.xz) / _BoundSize) * 0.5 + 0.5;//claculate where is this grass inside bound (can optimize to 2 MAD)
float stepped = tex2Dlod(_GrassBendingRT, float4(grassBendingUV, 0, 0)).x;

//rotation(billboard grass LookAt() camera)
//rotation(make grass LookAt() camera just like a billboard)
float3 cameraTransformRightWS = UNITY_MATRIX_V[0].xyz;//UNITY_MATRIX_V[0].xyz == world space camera Right unit vector
float3 cameraTransformUpWS = UNITY_MATRIX_V[1].xyz;//UNITY_MATRIX_V[1].xyz == world space camera Up unit vector
float3 cameraTransformForwardWS = -UNITY_MATRIX_V[2].xyz;//UNITY_MATRIX_V[2].xyz == -world space camera Forward unit vector
float3 cameraTransformForwardWS = -UNITY_MATRIX_V[2].xyz;//UNITY_MATRIX_V[2].xyz == -1 * world space camera Forward unit vector

//Expand Billboard (billboard Left+right)
float3 positionOS = IN.positionOS.x * cameraTransformRightWS * _GrassWidth;
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//bending by RT (hard code)
float3 bendDir = cameraTransformForwardWS;
bendDir.xz *= 0.5; //looks better
bendDir.xz *= 0.5; //make grass shorter when bending, looks better
positionOS = lerp( + bendDir * positionOS.y / -cameraTransformForwardWS.y,, stepped * 0.95 + 0.05);//don't fully bend, will produce ZFighting

//per grass height scale
positionOS.y *= perGrassHeight;

//camera distance scale (make grass large if grass is far away to camera, to hide small pixel flicker)
//camera distance scale (make grass width larger if grass is far away to camera, to hide smaller than pixel size triangle flicker)
float3 viewWS = _WorldSpaceCameraPos - perGrassPivotPosWS;
float lengthViewWS = length(viewWS);
positionOS += IN.positionOS.x * cameraTransformRightWS * max(0, lengthViewWS * 0.015);
float ViewWSLength = length(viewWS);
positionOS += IN.positionOS.x * cameraTransformRightWS * max(0, ViewWSLength * 0.0225);

//move grass to target posWS
//move grass posOS -> posWS
float3 positionWS = positionOS + perGrassPivotPosWS;

//wind animation (biilboard Left Right direction sin wave)
//wind animation (biilboard Left Right direction only sin wave)
float wind = 0;
wind += (sin(_Time.y * _WindAFrequency + perGrassPivotPosWS.x * _WindATiling.x + perGrassPivotPosWS.z * _WindATiling.y)*_WindAWrap.x+_WindAWrap.y) * _WindAIntensity; //windA
wind += (sin(_Time.y * _WindBFrequency + perGrassPivotPosWS.x * _WindBTiling.x + perGrassPivotPosWS.z * _WindBTiling.y)*_WindBWrap.x+_WindBWrap.y) * _WindBIntensity; //windB
wind += (sin(_Time.y * _WindCFrequency + perGrassPivotPosWS.x * _WindCTiling.x + perGrassPivotPosWS.z * _WindCTiling.y)*_WindCWrap.x+_WindCWrap.y) * _WindCIntensity; //windC
wind *= IN.positionOS.y; //only affect top region, don't affect root region
wind *= IN.positionOS.y; //wind only affect top region, don't affect root region
float3 windOffset = cameraTransformRightWS * wind; //swing using billboard left right direction += windOffset;

//complete posWS -> posCS
//vertex position logic done, complete posWS -> posCS
OUT.positionCS = TransformWorldToHClip(positionWS);

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mainLight = GetMainLight();
half3 randomAddToN = sin(instanceID) * cameraTransformRightWS * 0.15;
half3 N = normalize(half3(0,1,0) + randomAddToN);//random normal per grass
half3 V = viewWS / lengthViewWS;
half3 albedo = lerp(_GroundColor,_BaseColor, IN.positionOS.y);
half3 randomAddToN = (_RandomNormal*sin(instanceID)+wind*-0.25) * cameraTransformRightWS;//random normal per grass
//default grass's normal is pointing upward in world space, it is an important but simple grass normal trick
half3 N = normalize(half3(0,1,0) + randomAddToN);

half3 V = viewWS / ViewWSLength;
half3 albedo = lerp(_GroundColor,_BaseColor, IN.positionOS.y);//you can use texture if you wish to

half3 lightingResult = SampleSH(0) * albedo;
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