- 咱是来自辽宁的一只猫
- This is a cat from Liaoning Province.
- 现在在湖南大学(HNU)就读
- Now I'm studying in Hunan University(HNU).
- 喜欢玩MC和冰与火之舞, 但是都很菜
- Like playing Minecraft and ADOFAI, but not good at any one.
- 只会原生HTML + JavaScript + CSS写web...
- I can only use origenal HTML + js + CSS for web development...
- 常用语言是Java, 最近在学C++和Python
- Ofen use Java, but learning C++ and Python recently.
- 以后还打算学习Android APP开发(?)
- I plan to learn the development of Android APP (maybe).
其实咱一直都有这样一个问题, 从小也觉得自己好像不适合男生的身份, 直到2023年通过涵酱(@yuhan2680), 开始了对LGBT的了解. 这样一个特殊的群体, 好像解答了咱自己的问题. 自己不是一个纯粹的男生, 也不想变成mtf (可能是不敢面对这样改变的后果吧) , 咱自己可能是mtx或者Agender, 但还是偏男性一点...
In fact, I have always had this problem. Since childhood, I felt that I were not suitable for a male identity, until 2023 when I started to understand LGBT through Xiaohan(@yuhan2680). This special group seems to have answered my own questions. I'm not a pure boy but I don't want to become an MTF (maybe I dare not face the consequences of such a change). I may be an MTX or Agender myself, but I'm still a bit more masculine.
从了解LGBT开始, 自己也陷入了焦虑, 可以说问题得到了解释, 但是得不到解答. 一个是社会对LGBT群体的接纳, 尤其是咱北方这样比较保守的地方; 再一个是对自己将来何去何从没有了规划(虽然本来也没有规划). 从深入接触网络, 认识越来越多的人之后, 自己了解到越来越多的东西, 反而变得越来越苦恼.
Starting from understanding LGBT, I also fell into anxiety. It can be said that the problem was explained but not answered. One is the acceptance of the LGBT community by society, especially in conservative places like our northern region of China; Another issue is that there is no plan for one's future (although there was no plan originally). After delving deeper into the internet and getting to know more and more people, I learned more and more things, but instead became increasingly distressed.
今天不再回避这个问题了, 希望看到的朋友能更多的了解咱.
Today I won't avoid this question anymore. I hope that friends who see me can get to know me better.
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Top Language:
- Github Page首页, 自我介绍
- HtML, CSS, JavaScript, MarkDown
- Github个人首页README.md, 自我介绍
- MarkDown
- 弦月档案 - 火弦月投影下载处
- HTML, CSS, JSON, JavaScript
- wordle小游戏自创衍生版
- C++, Java, Python, Kotlin
- 线性代数学习笔记
- MarkDown, LaTeX
- Plum音乐盒, 个人练习作品
- HTML, JavaScript, CSS
- MarshoAI, 进行了Tools文档的翻译
- Forked from LiteyukiStudio/nonebot-plugin-marshoai
- MarshoAI插件 MegaKits
- Forked from LiteyukiStudio/marsho-toolsets
- 著名的Dress库, 好耶 是女装 ~
- Froked from Cute-Dress/Dress
- 轻雪工作室Profile
- Froked from LiteyukiStudio/.github
- 涵酱的自我介绍, 修复了Github贪吃蛇
- Froked from yuhan2680/yuhan2680
- 进行了圆角美化
- PR by GreatFood404
- 编写了README.md文件
- PR by yuhan2680
- 咱最常用的文本编辑器, 速度快, 轻量级. 虽功能不及VSCode, 但综合起来还是相当不错的文本编辑器, 尤其是web和MarkDown
- HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Markdown
- 超强大的文本编辑器, 但是比HbuilderX吃配置, 咱主要用来MarkDown
- 这个软件强大到不用多说了...
- JetBrains的超强Python IDE, 虽然咱不是很喜欢这门语言(((
- Python
- JetBrains的超强C/C++ IDE
- C, C++
- A Github Snake developed by Platane.
- https://github.com/Platane/snk
- Readme Typing SVG developed by denvercoder1.
- https://github.com/denvercoder1/readme-typing-svg
由Ryan Lanciaux开发的访问总数
- Total Visit developed by Ryan Lanciaux.
- https://gist.github.com/ryanlanciaux/3e29e75bd32efee9681c2ab85b99cc6f
封面来自Irin团队制作的冰与火之舞谱面Megamix2 (HTML中出现)
- The cover is from Megamix2, an ADOFAI custom charted by the Team Irin
- https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1JP4y167UL
- https://youtu.be/SfJAQUWt4Ww
Quick Any2Ico
- 提取软件图标
- Get the icon from exe files
- https://www.carifred.com/quick_any2ico/
- 文档, 音视频转换器
- Documents, Audio Video Converter
- https://www.aconvert.com/cn/
- 简单高效的PDF在线编辑器
- Easy, pleasant and productive PDF editor
- https://www.sejda.com/
Latex Live
- 在线Latex公式编辑器
- Online Latex Formula Editor
- https://www.latexlive.com/
Yandex Images
- 来自俄罗斯的一个图片搜索器
- A picture searcher from Russia
- https://yandex.com/images/
- 免费的web教程
- Free web lessons
- https://www.w3school.com.cn/
- 一个提供各种编程语言和技术的在线教程的网站
- Online tutorials on programming languages
- https://www.runoob.com/
- Base64 <-> 图片
- Base64 <-> Pictures
- https://tool.chinaz.com/tools/imgtobase
- QQ : 2262477620 (Twisuki)
- E-mail : twisuki@outlook.com
- BiliBili : Nya_Twisuki
- KOOK : Nya_Twisuki (#5313)
- Twitter : Su_Yang_233
- Discord : Twisuki
- Minecraft ID : Nya_Twisuki
- NameMC : Nya_Twisuki
- Little Skin : Su_Yang_233
- Github : Twisuki
- Gitee : Su_Yang_233
- 洛谷 : Twisuki
- Pixiv : Twisuki Nya
- GeoGebra : Su_Yang_233
- TapTap : Su_Yang_233
- Xbox : Nya Twisuki