Twissed is a Python package 🐍 that provides a large number of data analysis tools for beam dynamics and laser wakefield acceleration simulations.
Twissed is also a robust API between beam dynamics and laser-plasma simulation codes.
Twissed is multi-OS (Windows, Linux, Mac) and can be easily installed everywhere thanks to its low number of dependencies (numpy, pandas, scipy, h5py). It is especially made to run on HPC clusters (graphic packages, such as matplotlib are optional).
The documentation is here:
Tutorials are available here:
Source code are here:
Twissed can read and write data from several sources
Python 3.7 or greater
- Mandatory packages: numpy pandas scipy h5py.
- Optional packages: matplotlib seaborn happi(smilei)
- Mac OS/Linux
python -m pip install twissed
- Windows
py -m pip install twissed
- Mac OS/Linux
git clone
python -m pip install -e .
- Windows
git clone
py -m pip install -e .