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Trendyol Trendyol
Open source projects and samples from Trendyol
zkλ zk-Lokomotive
Formerly known as zk-Lokomotive, we research Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) and develop ZK-based multichain apps on @wormhole-foundation.
Colendi colendi-project
Credibility evaluation and global identity for the sharing economy
QuarkusIO quarkusio
Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java

The clouds

Hüseyin Tugay Yeşilyurt tugayesilyurt
Java technology expert, 10+ years of experience in Telecommunication,CRM,Fizy Music Services and Banking Infrastructure.

Qnbeyond Turkey/Istanbul

Ahmet Fatih Yüksel fatihyuksell
In Marmara University - Computer Science. Develops in Mobile Applications with Dart&Flutter. Higher success in works with the Agile Methodologies.

Marmara University Istanbul


Yaşar University İstanbul

BeRk CaN berk-can
Gamer - Programmer - Anime lover
Orkan Bakis orkanbakis
Software Engineer

Colendi Istanbul

Taner Genc gencdevops
Senior Software Engineer

Trendyol İstanbul

Gökhan Ayrancıoğlu G-khan
Sr. Software Engineer



Wise London

Gökberk Bardakçı gokberkbar
An engineer who is in love with science and learning new things. A responsible person. Principle “if you are doing something do it right”.

Colendi Turkey

Uygar İşiçelik uygar
📱mobile software developer • ⌨️ mechanical keyboard builder •👨‍💻 maker

@colendi-project Istanbul, Turkey

Seyitahmet Tuzcuoglu satuzcuoglu

@colendi-project Istanbul, Turkey

Fırat Çetiner firatcetiner
Computer Engineer

Colendi Istanbul



Orhun Beğendi obegendi
Strong educational background and experience, seeking a challenging position in software field. Skilled in designing, programming and testing.

Findest The Hague, Netherlands

Erhan Yakut yakuter

@binalyze Ankara

60'16 Université Galatasaray

Hepsiburada Istanbul

Ismail ismailgunduz7
MSc Artificial Intelligence student. Computer Engineer. Coding is a passion.

Justsnap Izmir

Furkan SETBAŞI frknn
Software Developer. Currently improving my skills on .NET and Go.
Burcu Mantar burcMnt
Electrical and Electronic Engineer also busy being a Software Developer. Especially interested in Backend Development and Architectural Designs.


sarparslan arslansarp
Staff Software Engineer @ IBM

IBM Cracow

Çağlar Demir cagdem
Mid Backend developer

Turkey, Ankara

Gökçe Nacak gokcenacak
Junior iOS Developer

PayPal Stockholm, Sweden