Issue Summary
My client has moved from Ghost fairly recently. From his old import, he has some links like
/tag/sécurité incendie/page/5/
Note the accent (and also spaces). Ghost actually deals with this, serving up the tags page for securite-indendie instead. However, when it writes out the metadata <link rel="prev" href
(and also "next"), it uses the unadjusted form of the tag.
The behavior may be exacerbating search engine crawlers trying to visit the wrong form of the URL.
Steps to Reproduce
Add some random accents and spaces to an existing tag. For example: (should be advanced-topics)
Ghost Version
Node.js Version
Ghost pro, also 20.
How did you install Ghost?
Ghost Pro, or ghost-cli install (Ubuntu)
Database type
Browser & OS version
Chrome, Windows 10
Relevant log / error output
No response
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