Live link:
- React, Node, Express, JWT, HTML, CSS, JS
- MongoDB, Firebase
- Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI, MaterialUI, Tanstack
- Purpose: Create a user-friendly platform for blood donation activities.
- Scope: Features include user registration, blood donation requests, donor management, content management, and role-based access control. Built using MERN stack.
- Admin 🌐: Access to all features.
- Donor🩸: Register, view/respond to donation requests, and maintain a profile.
- Volunteer 🤝: Create/manage donation requests.
- Registration:
- Input fields: email, name, avatar, blood group, district, upazila, password, confirm_password.
- Default status: "active," admin can block users.
- Login: Email and password.
- All layouts with a sidebar, fully responsive.
- Profile Page (/dashboard/profile): Display user info, and update profile (email not editable).
- Donor Dashboard Home Page (/dashboard): Display welcome message. Show 3 recent donation requests. "View My All Requests" button redirects to the My Donation Requests Page.
- My Donation Requests Page (/dashboard/my-donation-requests): Display the user's donation requests in a table with pagination and filtering.
- Create Donation Request Page (/dashboard/create-donation-request): Form with various input fields to create a donation request.
Same layout as the Donor Dashboard. Display statistics (total users, funding, blood donation requests). Manage users, donation requests, and content.
Same layout as the Admin Dashboard. Limited privileges compared to admin.
- Navbar with links for donation requests, blog, login, registration, dashboard, and funding.
- Banner with "Join as a donor" and "Search Donors" buttons.
- Featured section (customizable).
- Contact Us section with a form and contact number.
- Footer with relevant links.
- Search Page (public): Form with input fields for blood group, district, upazila, email, and search button. Display donor list based on search criteria.
- Display all pending donation requests with details.
- Each request shows the requester's name, location, date, time, and view button.
- Display all information from the creation of a donation request.
- Donate button opens a modal with a form and confirm button.
- Display all published blogs.
- Implement search functionality.
- Users can give funding through Stripe payment.
- Display funding history in a tabular format.
- Make the entire website and dashboard responsive.
- Implement JWT on login and secure private APIs with JWT.