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HyBit is a bit blasting based probabilistic programming system for discrete-continuous probabilistic programs. It is built on top of another probabilistic programming language Dice See


Install Julia 1.8.5 or higher using these instructions.

Then, install SymPy and IRTools using the following command:

pip3 install sympy

Next, clone the repository and start julia in project mode for current folder:

cd Dice.jl
julia --project

In Julia REPL, then use the following command to install all the needed dependencies

using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()

Once the Dice Julia package is instantiated, its inference algorithm and HyBit is ready to use.

Quick Start

Example: Discrete

Let's first start with a discrete probabilistic program. Imagine you have two coins a and b with probability of landing on heads as 0.4 and 0.6 respectively. You flip both the coins and see that one of them has landed heads. What is the probability that a lands heads?

using Dice
code = @dice begin
    a = flip(0.4)
    b = flip(0.6)
    observe(a | b)
    return a
@show pr(code)

We have this example written up in the file examples/example1.jl. It can be run as follows:

julia --project examples/example1.jl

And it should print the result as following showing that a is true with probability 0.526316:

DataStructures.DefaultOrderedDict{Any, Any, Float64} with 2 entries:
  true  => 0.526316
  false => 0.473684

Example: Discrete-Continuous

To see the use of HyBit to write discrete-continuous probabilistic programs, consider the following example. Here, we compute the probability of a random variable a being less than 0.

using Dice, Distributions
DFiP = DistFix{6, 2}
code = @dice begin
            a = bitblast(DFiP, Normal(0, 1), 4, -8.0, 8.0)
            b = a < DFiP(0.0)

We have this example written up in the file examples/example2.jl. It can be run as follows:

julia --project examples/example2.jl

And it should print the result as following:

DataStructures.DefaultOrderedDict{Any, Any, Float64} with 2 entries:
  true  => 0.5
  false => 0.5

The Julia package Dice makes available the following constructs

  • @dice macro that encapsulates the probabilistic program
  • observe() to condition on a Boolean random variable being true.
  • DistFix{W, F} as types to represent fixed point numbers with W bits, F bits being after the binary point. If the floating point numbers passed as an argument to DistFix{W, F} are outside the range $$[-2^{W - F - 1}, 2^{W - F - 1} - 2^{-F}]$$, one would encounter an error.
  • bitblast to bitblast continuous density functions using linear pieces with the following signature.
function bitblast(::Type{DistFix{W,F}}, dist::ContinuousUnivariateDistribution, 
                  numpieces::Int, start::Float64, stop::Float64) where {W,F}
  • 'general_gamma' to bitblast general gamma densities $$x^{\alpha}e^{\beta x}$$ soundly with the following signature
function general_gamma(::Type{DistFix{W, F}}, alpha::Int, beta::Float64, ll::Float64, ul::Float64) where {W, F}

It also offers different probabilistic inference queries such as the following:

  • pr(code) that computes the probability distribution of the returned types of code.
  • expectation(code) computes the mean of the value returned by code
  • variance(code) computes the variance of the value returned by code.

More Examples

More examples can be found at the following directories:

  • test/ directory contains unit test cases for all the functions and data types implemented.
  • examples/ contains simple examples to get started with using Dice Julia package to write probabilistic programs.
  • benchmarks/ contains discrete-continuous probabilistic programs to get started with using bit blasting.