Releases: TownyAdvanced/Towny for 1.14
Known Issue:
- #3468 - If you use debug mode, do not turn it off. Your logger will cease to log. This will be fixed over the weekend.
What's New:
- Language Files bumped to 0.58
- New Config Option: jail.bail.bail_amount_mayor
- Default: 10
- Amount that bail costs for Town mayors.
- New Config Option: jail.bail.bail_amount_king
- Default: 10
- Amount that bail costs for Nation kings.
- You can now charge separate bail amounts for Mayors and Kings.
- Changed Command: /town toggle jail [jailnumber] [resident] (days)
- Town mayors may now jail for an optional amount of days.
- On Towny newdays (when taxes/upkeep are collected) jailed players who have a day amount set will have their day amount lowered by one.
- Players who have served their sentence will be unjailed.
- When the days amount is not used the player will be jailed indefinetly as usual.
- Remaining days are shown on a player's /res screen.
- Closes ticket #3232
- Make plot set only show cost when the cost is more than 0.
- New Config Option: global_town_settings.display_xyz_instead_of_towny_coords
- default: false
- If set to true, the /town screen will display the xyz coordinate for a town's spawn rather than the homeblock's Towny coords.
- Closes ticket #3347
- Fix bug where Towny failed to find the new economy accounts for player's who've changed their name.
- Closes ticket #3466
- New Command: /ta mysqldump
- When your config has save & load set to mysql you can use this command to dump the mysql database to flatfile.
- Closes ticket #2628
- New Command: /ta database [save|load]
- Saves or loads the database.
- Closes ticket #2070
- New Command: /plot set outpost
- Used on an already claimed plot to turn it into an outpost.
- Requires permission node.
- Charges the town the same amount to claim an outpost.
- Closes ticket #2912
- The german.yml has been updated to 0.58 by Sprugente.
- Add language chart to bStats.
- Closes ticket #3472
- New Config Option: war.event.winner_takes_ownership_of_townblocks
- Default: false
- If set to true when a town drops an enemy townblock's HP to 0, the attacking town takes full control of the townblock.
- One available (bonus) claim is given to the victorious town, one available (bonus) claim is removed from the losing town.
- Closes ticket #3470
- Added ability to have Event War actually transfer conquered townblocks over to the winning town permanently.
- Does not transfer townblocks which did not have their HP drop to 0.
- This means rushing to a town's homeblock will only net you the townblocks you won on the way, and not the entire town.
- REQUIRED CONFIG CHANGE: filters_colour_chat.regex.name_remove_regex
- Change to '[^a-zA-Z0-9\&._\[\]-]'
- This allows colours to be used in the title/surname options.
- The default config will have the &, if you don't want colour codes used in titles/surnames you can skip this.
- Closes ticket #3172
- New Commands: /town set title {resident} {title} & /town set surname {resident} {title}
- Exactly like the King ability to set titles and surnames.
- This is being made available to mayors so that mayors can better role play their own townmembers.
- Permission nodes: & are child nodes of*
- Closes ticket #3439
- New Permission node:
- Child node of*
- New Permission node:
- Child node of* for 1.14
- Fix language string call when /town is used. for 1.14
- Fix missing placeholder %townyadvanced_towny_tag_formatted% not actually existing.
- Fix world explosion setting not allowing explosions to damage animals, armorstands, itemframes and endercrystals in the wilderness when they ought be exploded.
- Closes ticket #3459
- Solve townless townblocks causing safemode instead of being deleted.
- Actually deletes the townblock file now too.
- Closes ticket #3336
- Change to default config: war.disallow_one_way_alliance
- Now defaults to true.
- One-way alliances are discouraged, and eventually may be done away with entirely in order to better facilitate new features and war updates.
- New Permission Node: towny.command.nation.deposit.other
- Allows a nation member to deposit money into the townbank of a nation member.
- Is NOT a child node of towny.command.nation.deposit or towny.command.nation.*
- add towny.command.nation.deposit.other to the king and nation assistant ranks.
- New Command: /n deposit {amount} {townname}
- Requires towny.command.nation.deposit.other
- Lets a nation member deposit money into a town bank of a town that is part of their nation.
- Closes ticket #1953
- Language files bumped to 0.57.
- Fix bad grammar possible to be seen on /t join command.
- Fix Tridents with Channeling that causes lightning strikes to harm animals, item frames and armor stands.
- Add Villagers to list of things we protect from damage.
- Protect pigs from being zapped by lightning where explosions shouldn't happen.
- New Config Options:
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_commercial
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_arena
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_embassy
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_wilds
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_inn
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_jail
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_farm
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_bank
- All default to a cost of 0.
- Set cost higher to charge person for changing their plot to the desired type.
- Changed Command: /towny prices
- Now displays costs of setting plot types.
- Added ability to set costs for all plot types using /plot set {type}.
- Money charged goes to the Server Account.
- New Config Option: invite_system.maximum_distance_from_town_spawn
- Default: 0
- When set above 0, the maximum distance a player can be from a town's spawn in order to receive an invite.
- Use this setting to require players to be near or inside a town before they can be invited.
- Closes ticket #3089 for 1.14
- More PAPI placeholders:
- %townyadvanced_town_residents_amount% - number of residents in a town.
- %townyadvanced_town_residents_online% - number of residents in a town that are currently online.
- %townyadvanced_town_townblocks_used% - number of townblocks claimed by a resident's town.
- %townyadvanced_town_townblocks_bought% - number of townblocks bought by a resident's town.
- %townyadvanced_town_townblocks_bonus% - number of bonus blocks given to a resident's town.
- %townyadvanced_town_townblocks_maximum% - number of townblocks a town has available to claim.
- %townyadvanced_town_townblocks_natural_maximum% - number of townblocks a town has available to claim, not counting bonus/bought townblocks.
- %townyadvanced_town_mayor% - a resident's town's mayor's name.
- %townyadvanced_nation_king% - a resident's nation's king's name.
- %townyadvanced_resident_friends_amount% - number of friends a resident has.
- %townyadvanced_nation_residents_amount% - number of residents in a resident's nation.
- %townyadvanced_nation_residents_online% - number of residents in a resident's nation that are currently online.
- %townyadvanced_nation_capital% - name of a resident's nation's capital.
- Closes ticket #3446
- Make /t rank add|remove {name} {rank} not care about case sensitivity.
- Closes ticket #3445
- New Config Option: economy.daily_taxes.town_plotbased_upkeep_minimum_amount
- default: 0.0
- If set to any amount over zero, if a town's plot-based upkeep totals less than this value, the town will pay the minimum instead.
- Closes Ticket #664
- API: new event added - NewDayEvent
- has gettable lists of fallen towns and nations, total town and nation upkeeps collected, time at which the event happened.
- Closes ticket #3323
- New Perm Levels: Town & Nation
- On player-owned plots the perm line now has Town added to it.
- Build/Destroy/Switch/ItemUse can be set for friends/townmembers/allies/outsiders.
- Allies consists of nation-members and nation-allies.
- On town-owned plots the perm line now has Nation added to it.
- Build/Destroy/Switch/ItemUse can be set for residents/nationmembers/allies/outsiders.
- Allies consists of nation-allies.
- Closes ticket #3241
- On player-owned plots the perm line now has Town added to it.
- New Config Options:
-, default false
-, default false
-, default false
-, default false
-, default false
-, default false
-, default false
-, default false
- These are used to set the default perm values for new plots.
- Language files bumped to 0.56.
- Fix being unable to toggle debug mode in-game, courtesy of Articdive
- Closes ticket #3443
- The german.yml has been updated to 0.56 by Sprugente. for 1.13.2
Towny Advanced
Release contains:
- Towny for 1.13.2
- TownyChat 0.58
- TownyNameUpdater 4.0
- Add towny.command.nation.join to the mayor rank.
- Add towny.command.nation.townlist to the nomad rank.
- Add towny.command.nation.allylist to the nomad rank.
- Add towny.command.nation.enemylist to the nomad rank.
- Make Towny more compatible with DungeonsXL's loading and unloading of worlds.
- Prior to running this build any DXL worlds should be removed from the towny\data\worlds folder, and the towny\data\worlds.txt file.
- Any DXL world that loads will have usingTowny=false, and not be saved by Towny.
- Revert-on-unclaim feature rewrite for 1.14
- This brings about the 4th version of the plot snapshot format used in the feature.
- Should faithfully regenerate things to their pre-claimed state.
- Still handles older version 3 snapshots but version 3 snapshots made on pre 1.13/1.14 builds will still not regenerate perfectly.
- Add missing responses to successful uses of /ta town set.
- Added confirmations to /ta town {townname} delete when used from the Console.
- Added confirmations to /ta nation {nationname} delete when used from the Console.
- Add clarity to config comments for the delete_old_residents option.
- Add price increase percentage to /town buy bonus output.
- Add decimals to price increase percentage for claiming townblocks seen in /towny prices.
- Added townblocks and outpost claiming costs to the /towny prices screen. Shows cost increase when it is used.
- Made the AdminEnabledPVP setting part of the saving and loading rather than being a temporary setting only accessible by other plugins.
- Added PAPI Placeholders:
- %townyadvanced_town% - displays town name (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_town_formatted% - displays long-form town name (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_nation% - displays nation name (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_nation_formatted% - displays long-form nation name (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_town_balance% - displays town bank value.
- %townyadvanced_nation_balance% - displays nation bank value.
- %townyadvanced_town_tag% - displays town tag (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_town_tag_override% - displays town tag (if they have one,) or the full town name.
- %townyadvanced_nation_tag% - displays nation tag (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_nation_tag_override% - displays nation tag (if they have one,) or the full nation name.
- %townyadvanced_towny_tag% - displays town and nation tags.
- %townyadvanced_towny_tag_override% - displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to names if they don't.
- %townyadvanced_towny_tag_formatted% - displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to long-form names if they don't.
- %townyadvanced_title% - displays king-granted title.
- %townyadvanced_surname% - displays king-granted surname.
- %townyadvanced_towny_name_prefix% - displays mayor and king prefix.
- %townyadvanced_towny_name_postfix% - displays mayor and king postfix.
- %townyadvanced_towny_prefix% - displays title if it exists, falls back to mayor and king prefixes.
- %townyadvanced_towny_postfix% - displays surname if it exists, falls back to mayor and king postfixes.
- %townyadvanced_towny_colour% - used to show colours before nomads, residents, mayors and kings. (Set in the config.yml.)
Change requirements for luring animals.
- Old behaviour: Player had to be able to break dirt where the animal stood. Affected in towns and wilderness.
- New behaviour: Player has to be able to break dirt where the animal stands. Affects only personally owned plots.
- Town-owned plots are exempt. Wilderness is exempt.
Change upkeep messages for towns and nations to display fallen towns/nations in a much more condensed way.
Change town tax, plot tax, nation tax messages to display in a much more condensed way.
Removed some old BukkitTools.getMaterial(BlockID int) calls on the loading of worlds' ignoreID lists. These have been material lists for a long time, doubtful anyone is converting something that old anymore.
- Long-term this gets us closer to removing the de.themoep.idconverter package.
- Remaining spots include:
- a deprecated permission node wilderness check.
- a part of TownySettings that converts lists of blocksIDs to materials.
- the PlotBlockData restoreNextBlock (which we have to keep around for a while longer.)
Removed underscores from showing in town and nations names in the following places: /t new, /t list, /n new, /n list, /n leave.
Remove a couple deprecated things from our VaultPermSource.
Remove old MCStats Metrics because their website no longer collects data anyways.
Remove deprecated war and perm hud code for undeprecated code.
API: Old API deprecated. See new API documentation:
API: Added nation.getNumTownBlocks();
- Returns the number of townblocks owned by all the nation's towns.
API: Added nation.getKing().
API: Added ShopPlotUtil for shop plugins to use.
- Contains helpful, easy-to-use tests.
API: Added getPlayer() to the API's TownPreClaimEvent so that plugin which cancel Towny claims can more easily inform the player why their claim is cancelled.
- Suggestion by NorbiPeti.
API: add TownyAPI.getInstance().isTownyWorld()
- Returns true when a world has usingTowny=true.
Major Database overhaul, courtesy of ArticDive.
- Make TownySQLSource implement TownyDatabaseHandler directly
- Make TownyUniverse a singleton, since there is only ever 1 instance of the class.
- Take TownyUniverse out of the objects package and put it on root, (rename to TownyAPI?? or take out API methods into a new class called TownyAPI, also a singleton.), Deprecate the old version and make it forward to the new TownyUniverse.
- Remove all calls to our own deprecated methods.
- Slightly optimize the calls to our internal API.
The FileMgmt has seen a slight touch-up courtesy of Articdive.
- Might be a fix for some servers who've been unable to update beyond without townblocks causing safemode.
The TownyLogger has been removed in favour of log4j.Logger, work done by Articdive.
The Towny project has now become Mavenized, courtesy of FlagCourier.
- The previous build system used was Ant, which was in use from 2010-2019.
Update for signs and dyes, courtesy of TheFlagCourier.
New Feature: Embassy information on the /res screen, courtesy of SeruhioX.
- "Embassies in {town(s)}" now shows in the /res screen for players that own embassies in other towns.
Language File Updates:
- New Language File: chinese.yml courtesy of qsefthuopq.
- New Language File: korean.yml translation by DayBreak365.
- The german.yml has been updated by Sprugente.
- Made war starts message, war stats screen, and war hud translatable.
- The following things can now be translated:
- The "Added " when you add someone to your friendslist.
- The "Not Registered" message show when the NotRegisteredException exception is called from failed commands.
- The getFormattedResidents() format which has 3 colours can now have their colours set.
- These are commonly seen in the /res screen for the friends list; the townranks in the /town screen; the nationranks in the /nationscreen, and probably other places where to show a list of residents.
- The first colour is the start of the line, the second colour is the [#] section, the third colour is the list of resident names.
- And many more...
- Attempt #2 at silencing the AssignPermissions() error seen when DungeonsXL moves offline players out of dungeon worlds.
- Work around solution for crossbows and fireworks until we can get the shooter of the firework via the Bukkit API.
- If either explosions or PVP is disallowed where the victim is located, the damage will be cancelled.
- Fix messages showing when unclaiming an area where nothing can be unclaimed.
- Fix MYSQL servers not loading due to missing DB code for saving and loading of RegenList and SnapshotList.
- Fix null locationCanExplode error seen since fireworks got handled in
- Fix a missing permission check.
- Fix for /nation status screen not properly showing nation spawn coordinates when nation is set to public.
- Fix saving and loading of Cyrillic characters in Towns and Nations.
- the regex in the config should probably have the following settings:
- name_check_regex: ^[а-яА-Яa-zA-Z0-9._[]-]*$
- string_check_regex: ^[а-яА-Яa-zA-Z0-9\s._[]#?!@$%^&*-,*(){}]*$
- name_remove_regex: '[^а-яА-Яa-zA-Z0-9._\[\]-]'
- the regex in the config should probably have the following settings:
- Fix edge-case issue with health regen task and players who've had their health negatively modified.
- Fix for mysql servers not getting the new adminenabledpvp town column.
- Fix config not making all the values required to have a working town-upkeep-overclaimed-penalty.
- Potentially fix falling towns' plotsnapshots causing an Null Error on Townblocks (Ticket #3398)
- Had to revert a previous fix for Exception spam that involves the now-unused RemoveManyTownblocks.
- Fix outlaws from spawning into public towns who consider them an outlaw.
- Fix outposts not charging the outpost cost in the config.
- Fix removeOutpost console spam on servers that aren't limiting outposts anyways.
- Fix string regex not containing a space, causing town and nation boards to not allow spaces.
- Fix missing isOpen in nation mysql schema.
- Fix possible NPE in Sh... for MC 1.14
Towny Advanced
Release contains:
- Towny
- TownyChat 0.57
- TownyNameUpdater 4.0
- REQUIRED CONFIG CHANGE: protection.item_use_ids
- Stops players from using dyes on signs.
- In THREE places of the config you must change the sign names. These places are:
- new_world_settings.plot_management.block_delete.unclaim_delete
- new_world_settings.plot_management.mayor_plotblock_delete.mayor_plot_delete
- new_world_settings.plot_management.revert_on_unclaim.block_ignore
- You will have to edit these sign names in your Towny\data\worlds\WORLDNAME.txt files as well.
- In THREE places of the config you must change the sign names. These places are:
- REQUIRED CONFIG CHANGE: protections.switch_ids
- REQUIRED CONFIG CHANGE: new_world_settings.plot_management.revert_on_unclaim.block_ignore set to:
- All existing Towny\data\worlds\WORLDNAME.txt files should have their plotManagementIgnoreIds lines also changed to the above.
- Add towny.command.nation.join to the mayor rank.
- Add towny.command.nation.townlist to the nomad rank.
- Add towny.command.nation.allylist to the nomad rank.
- Add towny.command.nation.enemylist to the nomad rank.
- Make Towny more compatible with DungeonsXL's loading and unloading of worlds.
- Prior to running this build any DXL worlds should be removed from the towny\data\worlds folder, and the towny\data\worlds.txt file.
- Any DXL world that loads will have usingTowny=false, and not be saved by Towny.
- Revert-on-unclaim feature rewrite for 1.14
- This brings about the 4th version of the plot snapshot format used in the feature.
- Should faithfully regenerate things to their pre-claimed state.
- Still handles older version 3 snapshots but version 3 snapshots made on pre 1.13/1.14 builds will still not regenerate perfectly.
- Add missing responses to successful uses of /ta town set.
- Added confirmations to /ta town {townname} delete when used from the Console.
- Added confirmations to /ta nation {nationname} delete when used from the Console.
- Add clarity to config comments for the delete_old_residents option.
- Add price increase percentage to /town buy bonus output.
- Add decimals to price increase percentage for claiming townblocks seen in /towny prices.
- Added townblocks and outpost claiming costs to the /towny prices screen. Shows cost increase when it is used.
- Made the AdminEnabledPVP setting part of the saving and loading rather than being a temporary setting only accessible by other plugins.
- Add protection to books sitting in lecterns. These books can only be taken if the player can also break the lectern itself.
- Added PAPI Placeholders:
- %townyadvanced_town% - displays town name (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_town_formatted% - displays long-form town name (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_nation% - displays nation name (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_nation_formatted% - displays long-form nation name (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_town_balance% - displays town bank value.
- %townyadvanced_nation_balance% - displays nation bank value.
- %townyadvanced_town_tag% - displays town tag (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_town_tag_override% - displays town tag (if they have one,) or the full town name.
- %townyadvanced_nation_tag% - displays nation tag (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_nation_tag_override% - displays nation tag (if they have one,) or the full nation name.
- %townyadvanced_towny_tag% - displays town and nation tags.
- %townyadvanced_towny_tag_override% - displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to names if they don't.
- %townyadvanced_towny_tag_formatted% - displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to long-form names if they don't.
- %townyadvanced_title% - displays king-granted title.
- %townyadvanced_surname% - displays king-granted surname.
- %townyadvanced_towny_name_prefix% - displays mayor and king prefix.
- %townyadvanced_towny_name_postfix% - displays mayor and king postfix.
- %townyadvanced_towny_prefix% - displays title if it exists, falls back to mayor and king prefixes.
- %townyadvanced_towny_postfix% - displays surname if it exists, falls back to mayor and king postfixes.
- %townyadvanced_towny_colour% - used to show colours before nomads, residents, mayors and kings. (Set in the config.yml.)
Change requirements for luring animals.
- Old behaviour: Player had to be able to break dirt where the animal stood. Affected in towns and wilderness.
- New behaviour: Player has to be able to break dirt where the animal stands. Affects only personally owned plots.
- Town-owned plots are exempt. Wilderness is exempt.
Change upkeep messages for towns and nations to display fallen towns/nations in a much more condensed way.
Change town tax, plot tax, nation tax messages to display in a much more condensed way.
Removed some old BukkitTools.getMaterial(BlockID int) calls on the loading of worlds' ignoreID lists. These have been material lists for a long time, doubtful anyone is converting something that old anymore.
- Long-term this gets us closer to removing the de.themoep.idconverter package.
- Remaining spots include:
- a deprecated permission node wilderness check.
- a part of TownySettings that converts lists of blocksIDs to materials.
- the PlotBlockData restoreNextBlock (which we have to keep around for a while longer.)
Removed underscores from showing in town and nations names in the following places: /t new, /t list, /n new, /n list, /n leave.
Remove a couple deprecated things from our VaultPermSource.
Remove old MCStats Metrics because their website no longer collects data anyways.
Remove deprecated war and perm hud code for undeprecated code.
API: Old API deprecated. See new API documentation:
API: Added nation.getNumTownBlocks();
- Returns the number of townblocks owned by all the nation's towns.
API: Added nation.getKing().
API: Added ShopPlotUtil for shop plugins to use.
- Contains helpful, easy-to-use tests.
API: Added getPlayer() to the API's TownPreClaimEvent so that plugin which cancel Towny claims can more easily inform the player why their claim is cancelled.
- Suggestion by NorbiPeti.
API: add TownyAPI.getInstance().isTownyWorld()
- Returns true when a world has usingTowny=true.
Major Database overhaul, courtesy of ArticDive.
- Make TownySQLSource implement TownyDatabaseHandler directly
- Make TownyUniverse a singleton, since there is only ever 1 instance of the class.
- Take TownyUniverse out of the objects package and put it on root, (rename to TownyAPI?? or take out API methods into a new class called TownyAPI, also a singleton.), Deprecate the old version and make it forward to the new TownyUniverse.
- Remove all calls to our own deprecated methods.
- Slightly optimize the calls to our internal API.
The FileMgmt has seen a slight touch-up courtesy of Articdive.
- Might be a fix for some servers who've been unable to update beyond without townblocks causing safemode.
The TownyLogger has been removed in favour of log4j.Logger, work done by Articdive.
The Towny project has now become Mavenized, courtesy of FlagCourier.
- The previous build system used was Ant, which was in use from 2010-2019.
Update for signs and dyes, courtesy of TheFlagCourier.
New Feature: Embassy information on the /res screen, courtesy of SeruhioX.
- "Embassies in {town(s)}" now shows in the /res screen for players that own embassies in other towns.
Language File Updates:
- New Language File: chinese.yml courtesy of qsefthuopq.
- New Language File: korean.yml translation by DayBreak365.
- The german.yml has been updated by Sprugente.
- Made war starts message, war stats screen, and war hud translatable.
- The following things can now be translated:
- The "Added " when you add someone to your friendslist.
- The "Not Registered" message show when the NotRegisteredException exception is called from failed commands.
- The getFormattedResidents() format which has 3 colours can now have their colours set.
- These are commonly seen in the /res screen for the friends list; the townranks in the /town screen; the nationranks in the /nationscreen, and probably other places where to show a list of residents.
- The first colour is the start of the line, the second colour is the [#] section, the third colour is the list of resident names.
- And many more...
- Attempt #2 at silencing the AssignPermissions() error seen when DungeonsXL moves offline players out of dungeon worlds.
- Work around solution for crossbows and fireworks until we can get the shooter of the firework via the Bukkit API.
- If ei... for 1.14
- Add towny.command.nation.townlist to the nomad rank.
- Add towny.command.nation.allylist to the nomad rank.
- Add towny.command.nation.enemylist to the nomad rank.
- PAPI Placeholder Support:
- New config options:
- filters_colour_chat.papi_chat_formatting.both
- filters_colour_chat.papi_chat_formatting.nation
- filters_colour_chat.papi_chat_formatting.ranks.nomad
- filters_colour_chat.papi_chat_formatting.ranks.resident
- filters_colour_chat.papi_chat_formatting.ranks.mayor
- filters_colour_chat.papi_chat_formatting.ranks.king
- Available tags:
- %townyadvanced_town% - displays town name (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_town_formatted% - displays long-form town name (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_nation% - displays nation name (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_nation_formatted% - displays long-form nation name (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_town_balance% - displays town bank value.
- %townyadvanced_nation_balance% - displays nation bank value.
- %townyadvanced_town_tag% - displays town tag (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_town_tag_override% - displays town tag (if they have one,) or the full town name.
- %townyadvanced_nation_tag% - displays nation tag (if they have one.)
- %townyadvanced_nation_tag_override% - displays nation tag (if they have one,) or the full nation name.
- %townyadvanced_towny_tag% - displays town and nation tags.
- %townyadvanced_towny_tag_override% - displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to names if they don't.
- %townyadvanced_towny_tag_formatted% - displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to long-form names if they don't.
- %townyadvanced_title% - displays king-granted title.
- %townyadvanced_surname% - displays king-granted surname.
- %townyadvanced_towny_name_prefix% - displays mayor and king prefix.
- %townyadvanced_towny_name_postfix% - displays mayor and king postfix.
- %townyadvanced_towny_prefix% - displays title if it exists, falls back to mayor and king prefixes.
- %townyadvanced_towny_postfix% - displays surname if it exists, falls back to mayor and king postfixes.
- %townyadvanced_towny_colour% - used to show colours before nomads, residents, mayors and kings. (Set in the config.yml.)
- New config options:
Click Here for a full changelog for 1.14
- Fix r's and f's in the plot perm hud being reversed.
- Fix r's and f's being reversed in set perm command outputs.
- New Config Option: jail.blacklisted_commands
- Default: home,spawn,teleport,tp,tpa,tphere,tpahere,back,dback,ptp,jump,kill,warp,suicide
- Commands which a jailed player cannot use.
- Language files bumped to 0.55
Click Here for a full changelog for 1.14
- Fix War events being fired async.
- New Config Option: protection.mob_removal_skips_named_mobs
- default: false
- When set to true, mobs who've been named with a nametag will not be removed by the mob removal task.
- Bump language files to 0.54
- Made war starts message, war stats screen, and war hud translatable.
- Fix world imports with MV.
- Remove old MCStats Metrics because their website no longer collects data anyways.
Click Here for a full changelog for 1.14
- New Config Option: resident_settings.delete_old_residents.delete_only_townless
- default: false
- When true only residents who have no town will be deleted by the daily old-resident-purge.
- Changed Command: /ta purge # {townless}
- Using '/ta purge #ofDays townless' will now only purge old residents that are not part of any town.
- Add LIGHT_GRAY_SHULKER_BOX, to your protection.switch_ids list.
Click Here for a full changelog