Please explain your feature request to the best of your abilities:
First things first: I am totally fine if this becomes optional through a setting within config.yml of Towny. This doesn't have to be enabled for everyone if it's not seen necessary!
The current situation: My server uses the same "townBlockLimit: 9" for every town_level which makes this whole situation a lot easier of course as all towns will have a fixed default size. I allow towns to grow by running the command /ta town <town_name> giveboughtbonus 1
with a simple logic in the background.
That means any town will have a base of 9 chunks to claim but it grows thanks to Extra.
Now suppose we have two towns, town1 and town2. town1 has claimed 9/9 chunks and town2 has claimed 1/19. Town2 has 19 to claim because they got 10 extra chunks. However if town1 now sends a merge request to town2, they get the message "Merge failed: New town size exceeds the limit (9)" BUT what's being ignored here is that the extra chunks will be added up after the merge. So town1 would have 19 chunks available afterwards and the claimed chunks (10 chunks in total) would easily fit into those 19.
So all I'm asking for is that Towny takes those extra chunks into consideration when towns try to merge so that it's possible for the scenario above to be resolved.
Obviously in reality we're talking about much higher numbers and the only solution currently is temporarily unclaiming enough so one town can hold all the chunks of the other, then merge and afterwards claim everything again which you previously had.
And just in case LlmDl forgets: We've talked about it today on Discord, so you can refer to that discussion if you need some more details or whatever might be necessary :)