ShopZo, an E-commerce website was built with MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node). The frontend is built using Redux, and React, CSS. The backend is built using Express - js, MongoDB, and Mongoose for database management. For password encryption, I have used the bcrypt library, a hashing algorithm to encrypt passwords.
NB: Please try refreshing the page if the server fails to process requests. (It happens due to the "free tier hosting".)
Client: React, CSS, Material-UI, Server: Node, Express, mongodb,
- Axios for handling the promises to perform CRUD operations
- Bycryptjs for hashing the paswords
- chart.js for creating flexible charts
- cloudinary for storing and optimizing images and other media
- Country-js to get the country code, name, currency symbol, capital, phone code, etc
- Country-state-city for fetching user's Country, their States and Cities
- Express-fileupload a middleware for Express, to handle file uploads such as: user's profile photo, product's images
- JSON Web Token for user AUTHORIZATION
- Mongoose for schema validation
- nodemailer to send mails, such as: pass recovery emails for "Forgot password"
- Stripe to facilitate the payments
- React-router to define multiple routes in the app
- React-js-pagination to show data on a series of pages
- React-helmet to dynamically change the page title
- Redux to manage the states in a predictable and traceable way.
- Redux-thunk for communicating asynchronously with an external API to retrieve or save data
Home Page Banner |
Overlay Navbar |
Products Page |
Product Details Page |