This library wraps the Location APIs in RxJava 2 Observables, Singles, Maybes and Completables. No more managing GoogleApiClients! Also, the resolution of the location settings check is optionally handled by the lib.
For RxJava 1, please take a look at the Android-ReactiveLocation library by Michał Charmas.
Create an RxLocation instance once, preferably in your Application's onCreate()
or by using a dependency injection framework. The RxLocation class is very similar to the classes provided by the Location APIs. Instead of LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.getLastLocation(apiClient)
you can use rxLocation.location().lastLocation()
. Make sure to have the Location and Activity Recognition permissions from Marshmallow on, if they are needed by your API requests.
// Create one instance and share it
RxLocation rxLocation = new RxLocation(context);
LocationRequest locationRequest = LocationRequest.create()
.flatMap(location -> rxLocation.geocoding().fromLocation(location).toObservable())
.subscribe(address -> {
/* do something */
The following APIs are wrapped by this library:
Checking the location settings is simplified with this library, by providing a Single<Boolean>
via rxLocation.settings().checkAndHandleResolution(locationRequest)
, which handles showing the resolution dialog if the location settings do not satisfy your request. It returns true
if the settings are satisfied (optionally after showing the dialog, if a resolution is possible), and false
otherwise. If you want to handle the LocationSettingsResult
yourself, you can do so via rxLocation.settings().check(locationRequest)
An optional global default timeout for all Location API requests made through the library can be set via rxLocation.setDefaultTimeout(...)
. In addition, timeouts can be set when creating a new Observable by providing timeout parameters, e.g. rxLocation.geofencing().add(geofencingRequest, pendingIntent, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
. These parameters override the default timeout. When a timeout occurs, a StatusException is provided via onError()
. Keep in mind that these timeouts only apply to calls to the Location API, e.g. when registering a location update listener. As an example, the timeout provided to rxLocation.location().updates(locationRequest, 15, TimeUnit.Seconds)
does not mean that you will not receive location updates anymore after 15 seconds. Use setExpirationDuration()
on your locationRequest for this use case.
Don't forget to dispose of your Subscriber/Observer when you are finished:
Disposable disposable = rxLocation.location().updates(locationRequest).subscribe();
// Dispose of your Observer when you no longer need updates
As an alternative, multiple Disposables can be collected to dipose of at once via CompositeDisposable
CompositeDisposable disposable = new CompositeDisposable();
// Dispose of all collected Disposables at once, e.g. in onDestroy()
You can also obtain a Flowable<GoogleApiClient>
, which connects on subscribe and disconnects on dispose via GoogleApiClientFlowable.create(...)
The following Exceptions are thrown in the lib and provided via onError()
: When the call to the Location APIs was not successful or timed outGoogleApiConnectionException
: When connecting to the GoogleApiClient was not successful.GoogleApiConnectionSuspendedException
: When the GoogleApiClient connection was suspended.SecurityException
: When you try to call an API without proper permissions.LocationSettingsNotSatisfiedException
: When you userxLocation.settings().checkAndHandleResolutionCompletable(...)
and the location settings were not satisfied, even after handling the resolution.
When using the Geocoding component of RxLocation, exceptions can be thrown even after disposing, which can lead to app crashes. To prevent this, install a global RxJavaPlugins.setErrorHandler()
, e.g. in your Application class.
A basic sample app is available in the sample
The lib is available on jCenter. Add the following to your build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.patloew.rxlocation:rxlocation:1.0.4'
From v1.0.4 on, RxLocation only works with Android gradle plugin 3.0.0 or higher, since it uses Java 8 language features.
And don't forget to set the source code compatibility to Java 8:
android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
When unit testing your app's classes, RxLocation behavior can be mocked easily. See the MainPresenterTest
in the sample
project for an example test.
The code for managing the GoogleApiClient was adapted from the Android-ReactiveLocation library by Michał Charmas, which is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
If you like the library and want to support the creator for development/maintenance, you can make a donation in Bitcoin to 1HSPW3NUZjfzsrkVxToWhiScfCnW7adwxk. Thank you!
Copyright 2016 Patrick Löwenstein
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.