Adding a multiview system to a blender scene from a single script.
This script assumes you already know a little bit about using the GUI in Blender.
Open the python editor, copy and paste the file
At the top of the file you need to specify which object you want to center, it is called target_object_name
, just add the name of the object you want to place cameras around.
By default it will generate cameras in a north hemisphere around that object, you might need to play with radius. The cameras will be generated inside a collection called cameras
I added 3 different camera patterns: random
, structured
, sweaping
. See figure below.
#### variables to be set ####
target_object_name = 'cam_target'
radius_around_object = 0.6
nb_cameras = 200
radius = 1
dont_render = False
# choices: random, structured, sweaping
sampling_method = 'structured'
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = 1024 # width
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = 1024 # height
camera_lens = 25
# output
filepath = os.path.join('E:\\', 'download', 'the_shed', 'the_shed', 'renders')
bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = 'PNG' # Example format
collection_name = "cameras"
Here is an example of a multivew scene, the_shed. The original scene was downloaded here and see above for the 100 views that I rendered.